Touchy In A Bad Way (a+f)

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"What the hell..?" 

Joshua watched as his boyfriend and his friend were being all touchy again. Yes, again. This isn't the first time it has happened.

Jeonghan and Seungcheol have always been close, but maybe too close for friends from what Joshua thought. They would always have their arms around each other and they would do that right in front of Joshua as if he wasn't there. 

Even the members find it weird. They may have lived together for years, but it's not a normal thing to do when one of them is dating someone, who is also in the group. 

Joshua didn't find it surprising every time the two got close, but of course he was hurt. Jeonghan is his boyfriend and they never get that close. 

He has never tried to talk to Jeonghan about it though. He was too scared to  talk about it. To anyone!

But today, he didn't have to. Seungkwan, Minghao and Jihoon decided to do it for him. 

Obviously he didn't know. If he did, he would've stopped them. It wasn't something he wanted anyone to talk about, none less himself. 

"Jeonghan hyung, can we talk to you?" Seungkwan asked. 

"Huh? Oh, yeah sure!" Jeonghan says. He turned back to Seungcheol, telling the older to wait a bit before going with the other three. 

They walked to a quiet place, far from where everyone was at the set. 

"So uh...what's up? Everything alright?" Jeonghan asked, awkwardly. 

"We wanted to talk to you. It's related to Jisoo hyung, but mostly about you and Seungcheol hyung." Seungkwan says. 

Jeonghan looked at the three, confused as if Seungcheol and him weren't all over each other a minute ago. 

"Why are you and Seungcheol hyung so touchy?" Minghao asked,d straighforwardly. "Do you not love Jisoo hyung?"

"What!? What are you talking about!?" Jeonghan asked. 

"Okay, okay, calm down Myungho." Jihoon sighed. "What Myungho should've said is what's going on between you and Seungcheol hyung. We know that you guys are best friends, but you guys are pretty touchy for just  best friends." 

"Is...Is this what Jisoo thinks?" Jeonghan asked, almost panicking. 

"Well, we're not sure...This is our opinion. We don't know about Jisoo hyung.." Seungkwan says, rubbing the back of his neck. 

"But if you guys think this way...Jisoo probably thinks the same..." Jeonghan says, "I-I need to go find Jisoo!" 

"Wait, wait!" Jihoon says, holding back the older. "You still haven't explained anything."

"..It was supposed to be a surprise.." Jeonghan sighed.

"What are you talking about..?"


'Where'd Jeonghan go? ' Joshua thought, looking around the set. He let out a sigh and curled into a ball, legs against his chest. 'He's probably somewhere with Seungcheol...Why have they been getting so close lately..? Is he cheating on me? ' 

Joshua had to hold in his tears or else his makeup would get ruined. 'I really really hope he's not..' Joshua wanted to cry. He covered his face in his knees

"Hyung? Are you okay?" Chan sat down next to the older, patting Joshua's back. 

"..Yeah, I'm perfectly fine." Joshua says, his head still down. 

"No you're not. Do you want to talk about it? It might help you feel better." Chan says. Joshua couldn't see him, but Chan still smiled to comfort the older. 

"If I talk about it, I'll start crying." Joshua says. Chan could hear Joshua's voice quiver.

"Is hyung alright?" Junhui asked, joining the two on the floor next to the wall. 

Joshua took a deep breath before lifting his head up. "I'm fine guys. Really. I'm just tired." Joshua smiled, but the two could see through it. Joshua stood up, walking away. 

"Hyung, are yo-"

"Jisoo!" Jeonghan yelled.

Everyone turned their attention to Jeonghan as he ran up to Joshua. 

"Wh-What's wrong..?" Joshua asked, nervous. 

Jeongha quickly brought the younger into a hug. "You were hurting, weren't you?" he asked. 


"I'm so sorry that I didn't see it sooner. That I was such an idiot for how I was acting.." Jeonghan says,  voice cracking. 

"What are you talking about, Jeonghan?" Joshua asked.

"You were upset about how touchy me and Seungcheol were, weren't you?" Jeonghan asked, pulling away to look at the younger's face. 

Joshua froze. How did Jeonghan know? "I...Yeah...I was.." Joshua says, looking down. 

"I'm such an idiot.." Jeonghan says, resting his head on the younger's shoulder.

"No you're not! You..You didn't know. I didn't tell you." Joshua sniffled. 

"I'm supposed to know even if you don't tell me!" Jeonghan says. "And...I didn't hang out with Seungcheol for a dumb purpose.."

"Huh? What do you mean..?" Joshua asked, heart dropping. But, it started beating again when he watched as Jeonghan crouched on one knee. 

"We were discussing how I should do this, but this works too." Jeonghan smiled, pulling out a box from his pocket. "Jisoo, I know this isn't the best place to propose, neither is it the best situation, but I swear, I will love you more than anything in the world if you give me this chance. I already do love you, but still...Sorry, I don't have a speech. I was supposed to figure it out today, but- yeah, anyways! Jisoo, will you marry me?" 

Joshua couldn't believe it. He was so confused. A minute ago he was about to burst his eyes out crying in a bad way, but now he wants to burst his eyes out crying in a good way. Which he did. A lot. 

He started to sob, covering his mouth to try and prevent crying sounds coming out, hence the try. It didn't work. He was ugly crying before he could even respond. 

"Oh my.." He started to cough from how hard he was crying. "S-Sorry, I'm sorry...I took forever to respond.." he cried. 

"Take as long as you want, Jisoo. I'll never leave." Jeonghan smiled.

He wiped away his tears, sniffling a whole bunch before finally answering. "Yes! Yes, I will marry you!" 

They could hear the staffs and the other members clap and cheer as they jumped into each other's arms. Joshua cried into the older's shoulder, pulling away just took kiss Jeonghan. 

They shared their first warm and loving kiss as fiancees. Next, as husbands. 

Author's Note: i cried. i wrote this but i cried 👍❤


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