Birthday At The Zoo (f)

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"Hoshi-yah! Go get ready!

"Huh? What?" Soonyoung asked, confused why Jisoo called him so suddenly.

"We're going to the zoo for your birthday! " Jisoo says.

"What!? Why didn't you tell me sooner!?" Soonyoung rushed off his bed and went to grab some clothes for the occasion. 

"We'll be there is twenty minutes~ " Jisoo says, teasingly. 


"Jeonghannie, say hiii." Jisoo says. 

"Hiii. Okay now go get ready. " Jeonghan says. "Fifteen minutes! "


"You guysss! Why did you tell me so late?" Soonyoung whined, getting in the car. 

"It was supposed to be a surprise!" Jisoo says, smiling. "Are you excited to see the tigers?" he asked as if he was talking to a five year old.

"I'm not a child, hyung!" Soonyoung says, "..But yes." 

"Okayyyy!" Jisoo laughed. "Let's go!" 

"You're paying, right Jisoo?" Jeonghan teased.


"I paid for the double dinner date with Junhui!" Jeonghan complained.

"It's okay guys. I can pay." Soonyoung offered with a huge smile, completely erasing his eyes. 

"Yeah no. You're not paying for anything, Soonyoung." Jeonghan says. "Shua will pay this time."

"Ughhhhh...Okay. For Soonyoung. Love you, sweetheart~" Jisoo says, winking at the younger. 

"Shua hyung...I'm not trying to die on my birthday. Please don't kill me, Jeonghan hyung." Soonyoung says, laying back in his seat. 

"I'll do it tomorrow. And then Shuji will be punished, won't you Jisoo?" Jeonghan says, glancing at Jisoo with a face full of lust. 

"Not in front of me, please." Soonyoung gagged. "Gross." 

"He's just joking!" Jisoo laughed. "..I think..?"

"Yeah...I'm not joking." 

"How far is the zoo?" Soonyoung asked.

"Uhhh thirty minutes away." Jisoo answered. 

"Crap...I gotta endure this for thirty minutes.." Soonyoung cringed, scrunching up his face. 

"Hey! We're not that bad!" Jisoo defended. 

"You are when you flirt!" 


"Let's go, Hoshi. So Shuji can pay for the tickets." Jeonghan says, dragging the younger away. 

"You're so mean, Jeonghan!" Jisoo whined, but still went to go pay for the zoo tickets anyways. They weren't even that much compared to the expensive double dinner date they had with Junhui and Myungho. 

After buying the tickets, Jisoo caught up with the other two and immediately jumped on Jeonghan from behind. Jeonghan almost tipped over, but caught Jisoo anyways, making sure both of them don't fall. 

"Shuji! That's dangerous!" Jeonghan scolded. 

"The world is dangerous! You have to take risks, babe!" Jisoo says, pecking the older's cheek. 

"Did you guys invite me as an excuse for a date or what?" Soonyoung says with a scrunched up face, obviously cringing. "You guys are corny!" 

"Hey! Don't say that to your parents." Jeonghan says, sarcastically. 

"Bruh." Soonyoung says. "Okay! C'mon! Let's go see the tigers!" 

The couple followed Soonyoung around as if they were a family with Soonyoung as the kid. Soonyoung would get excited after seeing every animal. Especially the tigers, which he would not stop taking photos of. 

"Hoshi! Let's go to the petting zoo. They have your favorite." Jisoo says with a teasing tone. 

"Tigers!? They let you pet tigers now!?" Soonyoung eyes immediately lit up to the thought of petting a giant fluffy tiger that may or may not eat him. 

"No. Not tigers." Jisoo smiled, "They have hamsters."

"I hate you both."

"Hey! Don't say that!" Jisoo whined, clinging onto Soonyoung as the younger tried moving away. "Stop being a big baby, sugar." 

"Look. There's the petting zoo." Jeonghan says, pointing at the adorably decorated cabin. 

"Let's go!" Jisoo says, dragging Soonyoung which wasn't a struggle, knowing how strong Jisoo is. "Look at the bunnies!" Jisoo picked one up, holding them towards Jeonghan's face. "This one looks like you."

"Hm..I look better." Jeonghan says. For some reason, he started to get jealous of a bunny. Once Jisoo placed the bunny down, he went over to it and glared it down. "You think you're so cool.."

"Jisoo hyung, Jeonghan hyung's threatening a bunny!" Soonyoung snitched.

"Leave the poor bunny alone, Hannie." Jisoo says.

"I didn't do anything.." Jeonghan rolled his eyes, backing away from the bunny and sitting on a bench. 

As Soonyoung walked around, he saw a hamster cage. He decided to look inside and saw an adorably small hamster. The size of his hand almost. 

"Aww.." he couldn't help but say. "I kinda want a hamster now."

"Oh too bad...I guess I'll return this tiger plushie." Jisoo says, pulling out his gift. 

"No! I want that! Oh my gosh!" Soonyoung rushed towards the older and held the plushie. "It's so cute!" 

"The hamster or the tiger plush?" Jisoo asked. 

"You." Jeonghan says from behind. He held Jisoo's waist and rested his head on the younger's shoulder. 

"You guys make me want to kill my self."

"I love you too~" 

Author's Note: i think im in love with pet names lowkey
anyways, happy late birthday to hoshi! our hamster! 

also, i feel like my writing has been a bit off. like it looks weird and feels like im writing something stupid. idk but i wont be writing that much since i will be going on vacation soon so from june 22 to july something, i wont write anything. i might if i just get rlly bored tho. 

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