Help Me! (idk)

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Jeonghan heard his boyfriend scream from the top of his lungs.

"Jeonghan, help me!" Jisoo sobbed.

Like every good boyfriend, Jeonghan rushed to the bedroom, worried. Why is Jisoo crying? Why does he need help?

When he got there, he sees his boyfriend standing on the desk, holding onto the window curtain. "Jeonghan.." Jisoo sobbed with no tears. Just sound.

"What is it, baby? Why are you crying?" Jeonghan asked, trying not to laugh at his boyfriend. 

"There's a bug.." Jisoo says, pointing his shaking hand at the certain spot on the floor. Jeonghan looked down and saw a pretty small, killable bug. So he stepped on it. 

"It's dead. You can come down now." Jeonghan says, opening his arms for a hug. Jisoo jumped down into the older's arms.

"Thank you~" Jisoo says with a whiny tone, wrapping his arms around the older's neck. "I love you~" Jisoo kissed Jeonghan and Jeonghan kissed back.

"You're such a scaredy cat, Joshuji." Jeonghan chuckled, hugging the younger's waist. 

"Shut up Jeonghan."

Author's Note: ❤


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