Trickster (f)

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"Jeonghan? What's going on?" Jisoo asked, holding the older's hand. "It's pretty late out. Why'd you suddenly want to go on a walk?"

"Because it's hot in the dorm." Jeonghan whined, holding the younger's waist.

"What are you talking about? It's the middle of winter." Jisoo says.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Hold up, let me tie my shoe." Jeonghan says, crouching down.

"Hm? Okay." Jisoo shrugged and just looked forward. Suddenly a group of people came, holding banners and bouquets.

The banner said, "Will you marry me?"

"What the? Jeonghan are you see-" Jisoo turned around and gasped. Jeonghan was on one knee with a box in his hands. In the box was a beautiful ring. "J-Jeonghan?" Jisoo stuttered, covering his mouth.

"Jisoo, will you marry me?" Jeonghan asks, smiling.

"What the hell?" Jisoo says, making Jeonghan worried. "You should've done it when I'm not wearing my pajamas, Jeonghan!" Jisoo yelled, blushing and crying.

"I-I'm sorry?" Jeonghan says, smiling nervously.

"Don't say sorry!" Jisoo sobbed, "Oh my gosh, I love you so much.." Jisoo jumped into Jeonghan's arms crying into the older's shoulder.

"I love you too, Jisoo." Jeonghan says, hugging Jisoo's waist with one arm.

Jisoo pulled away and Jeonghan took the younget's hand to put the ring on Jisoo's finger.

Jisoo covered his mouth to keep the crying noises in while the people around then couldn't help but congratulate them and cheer.

The two stood up and immediately hugged each other tightly.

"I love you so much.." Jisoo ugly sobbed in a pretty way because it's Jisoo.

"I love you too.." Jeonghan says, crying as well.

They pulled away and kissed each other, softly.

Author's Note: yuh ❤️


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