Broken Promise (a+f)

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"Promise that we'll get married when we're older?" Jeonghan reaches out his pinky.

"Hmm..okay!" Jisoo finishes up the promise and they shared a soft smile together. "You better not forget! Or you'll break it!"

"Of course I won't break it!" Jeonghan says, proudly. "We'll be the best boyfriends ever!"


(End of Flashback)

'What a liar.' is all Jisoo could think.

Jeonghan stood at the podium with his fiancée. They were waiting for the officiant to marry them.

Jisoo, on the other hand, was sitting in the hundreds of rows, watching in pain.

As the rings were placed on the couple's fingers, Jisoo couldn't help but cry. He rushed out of the room, leaving a quiet thud from the door.

He rushed to the front of the wedding venue and cried his eyes out. Wiping his tears, he realized that they wouldn't stop. That he'll be hurt for days. Maybe even months.

He let out broken and cracked sobs, not hearing the footsteps behind him.

"Jisoo? Is that you sweetie?" Jisoo turned to the familiar voice and saw Jeonghan's mother. "Why are you crying? I'm sure Jeonghan wouldn't like that."

"Uh-uhm..." Jisoo couldn't say anything but sputter. "I'm-I'm sorry.." Jisoo continued to cry while Jeonghan's mother stood, confused.

"Oh it because Jeonghan had gotten married? Don't worry. You two will still be the best of friends." She sat down beside him, watching him cry. "He won't leave you-"

She stopped talking when Jisoo stood up.

"That's not it.." Jisoo said between his sobs. "I..I love Jeonghan...more than friends. We even promised to marry each other.." Jisoo whispered the last part.

"Oh...Oh?" Jisoo was scared that Jeonghan's mother might judge him. Thinking that, he ran away into his car.

Before Jeonghan's mother could rush after, the car drove off to Jisoo's place.

When he got back home, he was greeted by his loving parents who comforted him as he cried.

"It's okay, love. You'll find another." is what his mom said, but he was sure he wouldn't be able to fall for another.


"I..I don't.." Everyone gasped at the groom, who decided to not marry his 'lover'.

"Excuse me?" The officiant loomed at Jeonghan with confusion all over his face.

"I don't love Emma. I don't love her at all." Jeonghan felt anger build up, but did his best to calm down. "I love another."

He turned to the audience and bowed. "I'm sorry for wasting your time, but I will not marry someone I don't love."

"Same here! I never said I liked this doofus!" Emma crossed her arms, changing her whole imagine from cute and polite to sassy and cold.

"Emma! What are you saying?" Her parents walked up to her, trying to talk to her, but she didn't listen.

Jeonghan, on the other hand, was walking away while people whispered and stared.

He had to look for Jisoo.

He went to the front of the venue and saw his mother, alone and shocked.

"Mother? Have you seen Jisoo?" Jeonghan placed a hand on his mother's shoulder.

"Jeonghan dear...Did you know that Jisoo loves you?" Jeonghan was shocked that his mother knew.

Jeonghan and Jisoo were dating, but broke up after the younger found out about the marriage. Jeonghan didn't want to marry Emma, but had no other choice. His parents and her parents agreed on it and it ended his perfect relationship.

"I...I knew.." Jeonghan frowned, worried that his mother my get angry.

"Do you love him?"

"...Yes.." Jeonghan says.

"Why didn't you tell me?" His mother turned around with a blank expression.

"I didn't think you'd accept it-" Jeonghan was interrupted with a hug from his mother.

"Of course I'd accept you Jeonghan. You're my son." He could hear the cracks from her voice. "If you loved someone, you should've told me. I put you and Emma together because I thought you were lonely.."

"I-I'm sorry.." Jeonghan didn't know how to comfort his crying mother. "But..where's Jisoo?"

No response.


"He left. I don't know where, but he left." His mother sighed at her son's facial drop. "I'm sorry."

"Shit!" Jeonghan mentally screamed at himself.

He rushed into his car and drove to Jisoo's place immediately. On his way there, he cursed at himself for being stupid. For letting the person he loved the most leave.

When he got there, he didn't goto the front door, he went to the younger's bedroom window, using the ladder to climb. He always snuck in this way. Even when they weren't dating.

He tapped on the window of the dark room, thinking that Jisoo may not be there. But, he saw the face of a gorgeous, beautiful man.

Jisoo stared at the other with a upset face. "Go away." he mouthed.

Jeonghan looked at him with a 'Jisoo please..' face.

Falling into it, Jisoo lets him in, watching as Jeonghan climbed in, stumbling on the edge a bit.

"Why are you here? Go back to your wife or-"

"We didn't get married. I never loved her Jisoo. I swear I never did. We were forced to and I didn't have a choice." Jeonghan looked at Jisoo with the most sadness in his eyes. "I only love you. I can never love anyone else."

"What..what about your parents Jeonghan?" Jisoo believed the older, but was still worried.

"My mother doesn't mind. She knows everything now." Jeonghan gave a painful smile at Jisoo.

Seeing that, Jisoo rushed towards the older and brought him into the tightest hug.

"Jeonghan-ah.." Jisoo sobbed into Jeonghan's shirt. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry I left you...I'm sorry I didn't-"

"You didn't do anything wrong, my love. You had every right to leave me, but please stay with me this time. I'll be the best boyfriend you can ever get." Jeonghan shed a few tears before the pulled away.

They read each other's minds and immediately shared a warm and soft kiss. Jeonghan could still feel the hot tears from Jisoo, streaming down his faced as they kissed.

"I love you."

"I love you too, my love."

Author's Note: sorry i haven't been posting 😭
ive been kinda busy and i still am so bear with me!! ☹️❤️


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