Pepero Game (f)

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As the crowd yelled their lungs out, the lovely couple got ready for the pepero game. Also known as the pocky game.

(For those who don't know, it's a game where they have to try to get the pepero or pocky to the smallest size by biting both ends of the cookie stick.)

Joshua placed the pepero in the older's mouth and waited for the crowd to die down.

He was embarrassed to do this type of game in front of their fans, but they were highly requested to do so.

Finally, he went in and started to eat the pepero while Jeonghan only moved a few bites before their was only a centimeter left.

Joshua was about to bite off the last end, but instead, Jeonghan grabbed him by the arm and pulled him in for a kiss.

Joshua, who was more shocked than anyone, couldn't kiss back from his frozen shock.

Jeonghan pulled away only to wink at Joshua.

"What was that?" Joshua backed away, holding his mouth as if that was his first kiss with his boyfriend.

"What was what?" Jeonghan trying to be clueless made Joshua want to punch him from embarrassment.

The younger covered his face while the crowd only cheered and screamed louder than before.

Jeonghan, on the other hand could only think of one thing, "I will never get tired of your lips, Hong Jisoo."

Author's Note: yuh ❤️


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