Where Did You Go? (idk)

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"I can't sleep.." Jisoo groaned as he stretched up from his dorm bed. "Gosh these beds are so uncomfortable.." he sighed. 

He looked over at his roommate, Seungkwan, to see that he was fast asleep. Practically passed out from the party last night. 

Jisoo let out a deep breath before getting up. He put on a hoodie and shoes, leaving the room to go for a quick walk. 

There was no one awake or out of their rooms since it was 4 in the morning. He was getting bored. 

A hint of smoke went up his nose. Smoke? 

He looked up and saw that there was a man, smoking on the rooftops. 

Jisoo smiled, seeing that he's not the only one awake. So, he decided to meet the guy, walking up the steps. 

When he opened the roof doors, there he was. 

A tall man, probaly the same age as Jisoo. He was standing there smoking, letting the wind blow in his face. 

He could hear Jisoo's footsteps coming towards him so he turned around, confused.

"Hi. I'm Jisoo." Jisoo says, smiling. 

The man seemed to have hesitated before responding, "...I'm Jeonghan..?" he says. 

"Can't sleep either?" Jisoo asked, leaning on the rail.

"..You could say that." Jeonghan says.

"What are you doing up here?" Jisoo asked.

"What's with the questions?" Jeonghan asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Hey, I was just asking." Jisoo pouted. 

Jeonghan let out a sigh before answering Jisoo's previous question. "This is where I usually go to hang out." he says. 

"Hm? I never really seen you around campus though." Jisoo says.

"I guess I just don't stand out." Jeonghan shrugged. "I'm sure you do though."

"What do you mean?" Jisoo asked. 

"Well, I mean, you're gorgeous so.." Jeonghan states as if he didn't say something embarrassing. 

"You think I'm gorgeous?" Jisoo blushed slightly. 

"Any normal person would." Jeonghan says, slightly chuckling.

"N-No, I think it's just you." Jisoo says, scratching the back of his neck. "But anyways, college is getting kind of boring.." he says, trying to change the subject. 

"Really? Isn't it stressful?" Jeonghan asked.

"I guess, but I chose to study a bunch of college courses while I was in high school so I kind of already understand most of the classes." Jisoo says, shrugging. 

"I see...So you're smart and gorgeous?" Jeonghan smiled, resting his face on his hand.  

"Oh shut up.." Jisoo blushed, rolling his eyes. "What about you? How's college going for you?"

Jeonghan paused for a bit as if he didn't know how to answer or as if he was making something up. Jisoo didn't want to invade so he chose not to mention it. 

"I mean, I guess it's stressful for me." Jeonghan says. 

"Really? You look smart though." Jisoo says.

"How does someone look smart?" Jeonghan asked with a confused face. 

"I mean you're wearing glasses and you give off a wise vibe." Jisoo says, smiling.

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