Treated Right (f)

411 32 5

Jisoo waited for his boyfriend, Jeonghan, to pick him up at the airport after he was on vacation in the US. It was a bit cold as he rubbed his hands together, fixing his scarf. 

He hears footsteps from a distance, turning his head to see Jeonghan. "Hey babe." Jeonghan smiled, walking over. He took most of Jisoo's luggage before the two of them start making their way to the parking lot. "So? How was America?" Jeonghan asked, dragging along the suit case. 

The younger was trying to take back some luggage to carry, but Jeonghan wouldn't let him. "It was really fun. I met up with some old friends and family." Jisoo says. "You need to go to America with me sometime so we can go eat LA food." 

Jeonghan chuckled, "It can't be that good." he says, pressing the elevator button. 

"It's that  good!" Jisoo says. 

The two of them got into the elevator and waited as the elevator brought them down to the parking lot. 

"Thanks for picking me up, by the way." Jisoo smiles. 

"Of course! You're my boyfriend, babe." Jeonghan says, kissing the side of the younger's head. 

Jisoo blushed, but just shook it off. The doors opened and Jisoo followed the older to the car where Jeonghan has a little surprise. 

They arrived at Jeonghan's car. The older opens up the trunk and there are multiple bouquets of roses. "..Jeonghan? What is this?" Jisoo asked, holding onto some of his luggage.

"Do you like them? I picked them out for you." Jeonghan smiled, taking out a bouquet and handing it to Jisoo. The younger placed his bag down and took the bouquet, shocked and happy. 

"I love them, Jeonghan. They're so beautiful and huge! Why'd you get so many?" Jisoo asked, watching as Jeonghan made room for some of the luggage. 

"They're all for you." Jeonghan says, moving to put some luggage into the back seats. "I'm glad you like them."

"Why roses all of a sudden though?" Jisoo asked, holding two bouquets of roses. 

Jeonghan chuckled, "Cause you're my passenger princess." he winked as the two got into the car. Jisoo blushed at the sudden flirtation while the car was starting.

"Well I love them, Hannie. Thank you." Jisoo says, smelling the roses.

"Yeah? I'm glad.." Jeonghan says.



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