Meeting The Yoons (f)

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(Tzuyu=Jeonghan's sister AU)

"Joshuji, are you okay?" Joshua turned to his boyfriend with a pale face.

"No I'm not okay! I'm scared! I'm about to meet your family and what if they don't like me..?" Jeonghan laughed at the younger's cute pout. He gave a peck on Joshua's forehead.

"Don't worry, love. You'll do great and I know they'll love you. For sure!" Joshua hesitated, but smiled. "Now c'mon. You have a day so just relax with me."

Jeonghan opened his arms and Joshua crawled into them. They continued to watch the movie while melting into each other's warmth.

"You'll do well, Joshua. If I love you, my family will too. Because I'm a Yoon." Jeonghan gave Joshua a squeeze around the waist.

"Mmm.." Joshua was falling asleep while Jeonghan hugged his lover, enjoying the comfort.

"Sleep well, love. We have a big day tomorrow." Leaving a peck on the younger's head, he rubs Joshua's back.


Jeonghan rang the doorbell, making Joshua tense up. The older noticed and squeezed Joshua's shoulder.

"You'll be okay, baby." Jeonghan gave the younger a kiss on the head, but quickly pulled away when they heard the door opening.

It was Jeonghan's younger sister, Tzuyu, who had opened the door.

"Oh, you're here!" Tzuyu gave them a big smile before letting them in. "Mom, Dad! They're here!"

Jeonghan's parents walled down the stairs and their smile slightly dropped after seeing Joshua. Joshua noticed and something shot a pang through his heart.

"Hello. It's nice to meet you." Joshua gave them a low bow while they made their way to the door. "My name is Hong Jisoo."

They didn't reply, making Joshua and Jeonghan both nervous. Even Tzuyu was nervous.

"Uhm..Mom, Dad, this is Jisoo. He's my boyfriend and we've been dating for a year now." Jeonghan smiled at them, but they didn't smile back.

His Dad just looked away while his Mom stared at Joshua. Joshua couldn't manage to make eye contact with her so he ended up looking at the floor.

"Jeonghan," Joshua flinched when Jeonghan's Mom started to speak. But, all his worries faded away. "I didn't think you'd have good taste in men too. He is so gorgeous. How did you manage to find someone like him?"

Jeonghan smiled, but began blushing while his Mom teased him. Joshua's eyes were wide, but he let a sigh of relief.

"Thank you." Joshua bowed at the Mom. "You are gorgeous as well, Mrs Yoon."

"Oh my, no need to call me that. Please, call me Mom." Joshua felt his eyes tear up slowly, but quickly blinked them away.

Jeonghan noticed and immediately hugged the younger. "I told you, love."

"Aww, that's so cute~" Tzuyu teased her older brother, but Joshua's eyes were locked on Jeonghan's Dad. He didn't look at Joshua, nor did he look happy.

Joshua was worried, but Mrs Yoon reassured him with all of her positivity. "Come! Come! Let's go to the living room so I can get to know you better. Jeonghan, you go put the luggage upstairs."

Jeonghan groaned, but did as he was told with the help of Tzuyu. Joshua followed Mrs Yoon and Mr Yoon to the living room where he sat down across from them.

"Thank you for having me. I am very grateful for your support." Joshua gave them a slight bow.

"Oh don't worry about it, sweetie." She turned to Mr Yoon. "Look at him, love. Gorgeous, good fashion and well mannered. He's already so perfect."

Mr Yoon was still looking away, frowning. Joshua was worried he wouldn't be able to get Mr Yoon's acceptance.

But, he has to think Joshua's fashion is good though, right? Joshua was wearing a white turtleneck and a yellow coat with blue jeans and a flower accessory. He wanted to look good for his first meeting with his lover's family and it seemed like he succeeded.

"Thank you, Mrs Yoon

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"Thank you, Mrs Yoon." Joshua smiled in relief. It seems like Jeonghan's Mom liked Joshua, but it didn't seem like the Dad did.

"Oh c'mon, just call me Mom." Mrs Yoon let out a small laugh. "So, what are you into?"

"I like to sing and play guitar." Joshua noticed that Jeonghan's Dad's head flipped over.

"Oh! What a coincidence! My husband plays guitar." Joshua made an impressed face with the 'o' shaped mouth.

"Wow! Will you show me? I would love to hear it!" The Dad hesitated, but agreed.

He pulled out the guitar from who knows where and began playing Sunday Morning.

"Woah! I love Sunday Morning!" What a coincidence.

"Really?" They both began singing it as the father played guitar. "Wow, you're a good singer. And your English is really good too!"

"I'm from LA so I'm fluent in both English and Korean." Joshua pointed out while they sat back down. "Your English seems to be good as well, Mr Yoon."

"Please, call me Dad." Mr Yoon held out his hand and Joshua shook it with his head bowing.

"Thank you for your acceptance." At the same time Joshua said that, Jeonghan walked into the room.

"Woah! Shua, you got them to accept you already?" Joshua nodded, making the older tackle onto them. "Get ready to become Yoon Jisoo, then."

Joshua blushed at the tease, covering his face.

"Oh my, look at him flustered. He still looks so gorgeous! Would you like to help me with dinner?" Joshua nodded his head and followed the older lady to the kitchen.

"Jisoo, you really have to tell me what products you use for your skin. Your skin is literally shining." Joshua laughed, covering his mouth.

It seemed like Mrs Yoon was really intrigued with Joshua's features. Understandable. Who wouldn't be? He's Joshua.

Author's Note: the ending was really lazy, srry😭 but, hopefully i feel better soon to get some ideas. flu season 🤧❤️


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