It's Not True (a)

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"Hey Jisoo."

Joshua turned around and immediately scowled, seeing his ex boyfriend standing there with a smugged grin.

"What do you want, Seojun?" Jisoo asks, sighing almost.

"You." Seojun winked at Jisoo, making Jisoo gag from cringe and disgust.

"Leave me alone. I have a boyfriend." Jisoo says.

"And? I'm better than him and you know it." Seojun says, receiving a scoff from Jisoo.

"Yeah right. As if a cheater would be better than Jeonghan." Jisoo says, crossing his arms.

"I've changed, baby-"

"Don't call me that. Go fuck yourself." Jisoo says, ready to practically beat the fuck out of Seojun.

"C'mon Shua~" Seojun grabbed Jisoo's arm and pulled him closer.

"Hey! Let g-"

Jisoo was interrupted when Seojun suddenly kissed him. Jisoo was so confused. So stunned. Why can't his body move? Why was he so scared?


Jisoo turned at the familiar nickname, pushing Seojun to the floor.

"J-Jeonghan! It's not what you think! I swear!" Jisoo yelled, rushing to his boyfriend.

Jeonghan didn't respond. More like he couldn't. He was so shocked after seeing his beloved boyfriend kissing another guy.

"Jeonghan..?" Jisoo tried grabbing Jeonghan's hand but was slapped away. "Jeonghan please...I swear I didn't want to. He kissed me.."

"Tch..and you expect me go believe that?" Jeonghan finally says, glaring at the younger.

"W-What..?" Jisoo teared up.

"Jisoo, what are you talking about? You're the one that kissed me." Seojun says, getting up from the floor. "I just kissed back 'cause you said you were single."

"What!? What are you talking about!?" Jisoo furrowed his eyebrows, staring at his ex in anger. "Jeonghan! Don't believe him!"

"To be honest Jisoo, I don't know what to believe." Jeonghan looked at Jisoo with a freezing cold look. "I thought you loved me. I thought we actually meant something."

"I do love you! You mean the world to me, Jeonghan." Jisoo started cry, tears falling down his face.

"Hah..yeah right." Jeonghan turned around and walked off, leaving Jisoo holding his hands out for him. Tears poured down his face nonstop.

"J-Jeonghan..." he cried.

"Now we can be together." Seojun says.

"No! Are you fucking serious!? You already ruined my life once! Just leave me alone!" Jisoo sobbed, falling to his knees. "I just want Jeonghan back.."



Jisoo shook away, meeting the eyes of his lover.

"Are you okay?" Jeonghan asked, picking Jisoo up to comfort him.

Jisoo began to sob hard. As in full on hiccups. To the point where he could barely talk.

"Shhh..It's okay, it's okay baby." Jeonghan says, patting Jisoo's back. "What happened, Jisoo?"

Jisoo couldn't respond, but Jeonghan waited patiently for him to.

"It''s really dumb.." Jisoo cried into Jeonghan's shoulder. "..A really dumb dream.."

"Can I know what it is?" Jeonghan asks.

"I don't feel like talking about it.." Jisoo says, finally calming down a tad.

"That's okay. I'm here for you though." Jeonghan says, hugging Jisoo tightly.

They sat there for a while for Jisoo to calm down and hopefully fall asleep since if was 2 in the morning.

"Jeonghan..?" Jisoo called out.


"You know I will never cheat on you, right?" Jisoo asks, tears filling his eyes again.

"Of course you won't. I trust you, baby." Jeonghan says, smiling at the younger on top of his lap. "Now, let's go to sleep, okay?"

Jisoo nodded and Jeonghan moved the both of them in a sleeping position.

"I love you, Jeonghan.." Jisoo says, burying his face into the older's chest.

"I love you too, Jisoo. And Seojun can't do anything about it."

Author's Note: ❤️


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