Can't Spell The8 Without ATE! (f)

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As Myungho was doing his birthday live, Jisoo and Jeonghan decided to show off their gifts. 

"Myungho, open your gifts!" Jisoo says as the two placed all of their gifts on the table, moving the cake aside. 

"You guys could've given these to me after the live." Myungho points out.

Jeonghan shakes his head, "Nope, we wanted to show the Carats too." 

Myungho laughed, sighing as two hyungs. He first takes the bag that says Cartier on it. This was a gift from Jisoo and he had gotten Myungho a $105 cologne set from Cartier Official. "Oh my gosh, hyung!?" he yelled, mouth wide opened. 

"Oh my gosh, Myungho!?" Jisoo says, matching the younger's energy as he hugged Myungho. "You better use this cologne now." he says. 

Myungho laughs, "Obviously. This is Cartier Official. This stuff is more expensive than Junhui hyung." After he said that, Junhui came barging through the door. 

"What the hell!?" Junhui pouted, offended. "I literally got you a HONEST skin care set!" 

"Yes, thank you. I love you." Myungho gave Junhui a flying kiss and went back to his Cartier cologne set. 

Junhui turns his head to Jisoo, eyebrows furrowed. "Thanks a lot, hyung." he says before stomping out. 

"Okay open mine!" Jeonghan says, handing Myungho a wrapped box.

Myungho carefully opens the gift and it was a Liquitex paint set that Myungho had wanted for a while, but wasn't able to buy. "Ahhh! Hyung thank you!" he squealed. 

"Okay now which one's better." Jisoo says, winking at the younger, trying lure Myungho into choosing him and not Jeonghan. 

"Are you seriously making him choose?" Jeonghan asked, rolling his eyes. He suddenly stares at Myungho and points at himself, "Choose me." 

The younger rolls his eyes, smiling. "I'm not going to choose. I love both of them and it'll be unfair to choose." he says. The two sighed and nodded and Jeonghan walked to hand Myungho his other gift that both of them had prepared. While Jeonghan did that, Myungho whispered to Jisoo: "I liked yours better. It's Cartier!" 

Jisoo giggled and responded with a: "I know." 

"I can hear you both." Jeonghan says, side eyeing them as he hands Myungho his small gift. 

"Oh shit he's on to us." Jisoo laughed. "Anyways, both Jeonghan and I got this for you. 

Myungho opened up the small box. When he saw what was in it, his eyes widened in surprise. "4 TICKETS TO CHINA!?" he yelled.

"We're going to China, Myungho! With Junhui of course." Jisoo says. 

The younger rushed over to hug both of them, tearing up. He knows how expensive all of these gifts are. "I love you guys so much.." he says, sniffling. 

"Awww Myungho loves us." Jeonghan teased which made Jisoo slap his shoulder. 

"We love you too, Myungho~" 




"I love you too, Minghao!" Junhui yells from the other room. 



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