Into Your Arms (f)

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"You look cold, Hannie."

"Shu-Shuji.." Jeonghan shivered, "Can I please get in the blanket?"

"No." Joshua gripped onto the blanket that was wrapped around his body, leaving Jeonghan on the other side of the bed, shivering cold. "You didn't apologize yet."

Joshua was being cranky. It was 11 at night and the younger was hungry. He woke up, waking up Jeonghan too. He asked the older to go to the convenience store with him, but Jeonghan muttered a quick no since he was tired. 

After hearing that, Joshua became petty and cranky and pulled the blanket away from his dear husband. He knows that Jeonghan gets cold easily, especially in the winter, but he was being hangry. 

"'s cold.." Jeonghan says. 

Watching his husband shiver, Joshua decided to stop messing with Jeonghan and finally share the blanket.

"Hmph..fine." Joshua lifted up the blanket and moved it so it would cover Jeonghan as well. 

"We'll get food tomorrow, babe." Jeonghan hugged the younger's waist and snuggled himself into Joshua's chest. 

Hugging back, Joshua wrapped his arms around the older's neck. 

"You're so warm, Shuji." Jeonghan's words were muffled, but the younger still heard it. 

"You're buying me dinner tomorrow." Joshua says.

Author's Note: idk i was bored ❤


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