Beanstalk (f)

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"Mingyu-ah! Happy birthday!" Joshua says, hugging the taller.

"Hey. You can't hug me, hyung. Jeonghan hyung's gonna kill me." Mingyu says as Joshua handed him the birthday gift. 

"I can't kill you today. It's your birthday." Jeonghan says, but still is glaring daggers into Mingyu. 

"Jeonghan, stop glaring at Mingyu! It's his birthday!" Joshua scolded the older. 

"I deeply apologize for my actions, Kim Mingyu." Jeonghan says, sarcastically and bowing as he held out a huge gift. "Please take this gift as an apology."

"Thank you." Mingyu says, holding both of the gifts.

"Open them!" Joshua says.

Mingyu opened Jeonghan's gift first, having to place Joshua's gift down. He opened the box and immediately gasped. "Oh my gosh! You got me a bass!?" 

"You got him a bass!?" Joshua asked. 

"I'm a good hyung." Jeonghan says, bragging.

"Mine's better." Joshua says, rolling his eyes.

"No way. You can't beat mine." Jeonghan says. 

Mingyu opened the wrapped box to see a plant. "What plant is this?" Mingyu asked, holding the plant.

"It's a miniature beanstalk!" Joshua says, "Isn't it cute?"

"Isn't it gonna grow!?" Mingyu asked.

"Hell no. That's gonna break our dorm." Joshua says, "But it's cute isn't it?"

"Yesss! Much better than Jeonghan hyung's." Mingyu says, sarcastically.

"I spent 300,000 won on that!" Jeonghan says, offended. (i think it should be 250 in usd)

"I'm joking~ I love them both." Mingyu says. 

"He means that mine is better." Joshua says.

"Shut up, Joshuji." Jeonghan says, rolling his eyes.

"I love you~" Josua pecked the older's cheek as Mingyu gagged in disgust.

"My dream birthday gift would be if you guys stop being all lovey dovey in front of me." Mingyu scowled, scrunching up his face.

"Don't make the face, Mingyu-ah. You're gonna get wrinkles." Joshua says.

"And because it's ugly." Jeonghan says.

"I hate you both."

Author's Note: very short for mingyu's birthday. i had no idea what to write


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