We're Screwed (idk)

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"Uhm..So does anyone have an explanation on why Jisoo hyung is so moody today?" Soonyoung asked the huddled up group.

"Shit we don't even know." Jihoon whispered, trying so hard for the older to not hear because he knows that Jisoo is scary if he's mad. "He's dangerous right now."

"Did Jeonghan hyung do something?" Seungkwan asked, watching the gloomy guy wander around the dorm. "Maybe Jeonghan hyung pissed him off."

"I don't even know. I can ask Jeonghan." Seungcheol sighed.

He turned away from the group to look for Jeonghan. "Yo! Jeonghan!" Seungcheol yelled so Jeonghan would follow the voice.

Instead, what he got was a really quick head turn from Jisoo. Jisoo started to glare at the older, snarling his face.

If Seungcheol didn't want to get attacked, his safest option was to pretend he didn't notice Jisoo. Seungcheol countinued to call for Jeonghan, walking out of the kitchen. Jisoo's eyes were trailing Seungcheol and once Seungcheol left, his head snapped towards the huddled group.

They noticed and split up, pretending nothing had happened.


With Seungcheol, he had found Jeonghan. He was hiding in his room.

"Jeonghan! What the hell happened with Jisoo!?" Seungcheol whispered yelled.

"I don't know!? I woke up and he was mad at me!" Jeonghan whispered back.

"The fuck did you do 'cause when I was calling your name, he short daggers into my chest!" Seungcheol whispered, obviously scared.

"He's mad at me!?" Jeonghan shot up from his bed. "Why!?"

"You go fucking talk to him! The others and I aren't feeling like dying 'cause of something you did!" Seungcheol says.

"But I'm not tryna get myself killed either!" Jeonghan complained, but then received a massive glare from the older. "Ughh! Fine.."

Jeonghan opened the door and walked out to the living room. He saw Jisoo in a ball, hugging his knees to his chest. Jisoo had a mixed expression of sadness and anger. He was upset.

"Joshuji?" Jeonghan called out, trying not to upset the younger even more. He failed miserable.

Once Jisoo heard Jeonghan's voice, he immediately glared at the older. "What do you want?"

"What's wrong?" Jeonghan asked, walking closer.

'Huh!? What do you mean what's wrong!?" Jisoo's angry now. And everyone heard it. "You-You! You don't love me anymore!"


"Wait, what?" Jeonghan was so confused. When did he ever say that? "What are you talking about? I never said that. Hell no, I love you so fucking much. What?"

"You..You didn't hug me to sleep last night.." Jisoo pouted, teary eyed which Jeonghan would find extremely adorable but at that time he was distracted.

"Jisoo, I will always love you. Never think that I don't. I'm sorry I didn't hug you to sleep but you can't get so mad because of it, baby." Jeonghan says, hugging Joshua around the waist.

"..I'm sorry.." Jisoo muttered, looking up at the older. He pouted his lips, wanting a kiss from Jeonghan, which he obviously got.

Jeonghan kissed the younger, softly. "You're gonna have to apologize to everyone, baby. They were worried, y'know?"

"Okay.." Jisoo had guilt in his eyes so Jeonghan immediately hugged him tightly.

"Don't worry. They'll forgive you." Jeonghan says. He kissed the top of Jisoo's head, smiling softly. "How about I give you the hugs that you missed last night?"

Jisoo's eyes lit up and jumped up into Jeonghan's arms. "Eek! I love you, Hannie!"

"I love you too, baby."

Author's Note: theres so many genres of joshuas bro. theres bratty, power bottom, cute, caring, sassy, etc. I CANT CHOOSE MY FAV ❤


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