Gorgeous (f)

774 23 5

(old royal au)

"Jisoo hyung? Are you ready?" Jisoo turns to the voice at the door. It was one of his bridesmen, Seungkwan.

Seungkwan had opened the door to see Jisoo in his gorgeous white jumpsuit. It had a lot of accessories and jewels that really fit Jisoo himself.

"Hyung you look so pretty!" Seungkwan rushed to the older with Hansol behind him.

Jisoo, who was holding a bouquet of flowers, placed the flowers down on the table and hugged the younger. He tried his best to not mess up any of his accessories or hair while the younger did his best to not step on Jisoo's long half skirt.

"Oh my gosh hyung! I'm so happy.." Seungkwan's voice croaked from the sob that was about to come.

"Aww..don't cry Kwannie. This is a happy night. It's my wedding!" Jisoo turned back to the vanity and sat down to put his earrings on.

"You look good today, prince." Hansol placed his hands in his pockets when he finally caught up to the two.

"I always look good, Hansol." Jisoo chuckled and finished with his earrings. Then, he signaled for the maids to help with his makeup.


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"Jisoo.." Jisoo immediately turned to the door, hearing the familiar voice. It was his parents.

"Mother! Father!" Jisoo stood up, lifting up his half skirt so he doesn't trip. "You came!" Jisoo bowed to his parents while they walked over.

"Of course we came. We wouldn't miss our prince's special day." Queen Hong reached to cup the prince's face.

"So..are you accepting Jeonghan and I's relationship..?" Jisoo asked, nervously.

They hesitated, but finally responded. Well, Queen Hong responded. "We were..skeptical at first, but you are our son. We will support you no matter who you marry, love."

"Oh mother..don't make me cry. You'll ruin my makeup." Jisoo fanned his eyes while his mother laughed.

"Honey! You have to say something to our son!" Queen Hong nudged her husband's arm.

"Right. Jisoo..as much as I wanted for you to go through what I have...your life is not mine. You live how you want. Live your fullest and be with who you love. As long as he treats you correctly..I'll be fine." Jisoo was on the verge of crying.

"Thank you father. Now I need to go back and fix my makeup." Jisoo says, wiping away a tear.

"Of course. And you look gorgeous, my son." Queen Hong says before they walked out of the room.

Jisoo let out a sigh in relief and went back to the vanity. The maids continued to work on his makeup while he talked to his bridesmen.

"We're here!" Two people barged through the door with a few bags. Those people were Minghao and Seokmin.

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