Chapter 8

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'Really Biyanka? I mean now you'll look me as some sort of businessman who's counting money every second?' jimin turned to Biyanka making her think of words to utter to avoid looking stupid and rude.
'No no def not Sir Park .. I mean Mr. P.... I mean Jimin.. yes Jimin' she stuttered.
'Come on okay, this is the exact reason I don't really like people to know about my another field. It's totally different okay' He explained trying to be as fair and transparent infront of the lady.

For him even he didn't know but Biyanka was someone he considered important. Just in his second meeting he could not afford to seem unapproachable and totally *to be formal with* kinda person.
He was attracted to her. But ofcourse he knew she had a man in her life and he was never gonna turn this thing big, definitely to avoid all the drama.

The three got over with the whole dinner and now Biyanka stood infront of her apartment building thanking Jimin and Taehyung for the dinner.
'Thank you Tae and Jimin for inviting me over. I'll get going' she smiled waving.
'The pleasure is ours Bee. See you around?' Tae commented sending her a flying kiss while Jimin peeked through the driving seat waving her a good bye.

Throughout the whole journey Jimin and Taehyung got into a serious conversation.
' how long have you known Miss. Biyanka's boyfriend?' Jimin asked having his eyes on the road.
'Not that long but maybe 7 months?' Tae answered 'why so?' He asked
'Nothing. He doesn't seem what he appears to be. I mean why'd he not tell her about the party. I mean it's not like it's just a small get together' Jimin made his statement clear. He just couldn't wrap his head around the fact that Biyanka was actually clueless about the whole big event happening.
'Hmm .. same here but I guess it's their own thing. To be honest I don't like sometimes how a lady like Biyanka who any guy would die to be with is being neglected by her boyfriend ' tae added.
'How long have they been dating?' Jimin enquired looking at Tae.
'It's been 2 years I think. I can't believe she's planning to get married by the end of this year. Like I know 2 years is a good span but still' Taehyung declared dropping a bomb on Jimin.

'What? Married?' Jimin almost shouted
'You interested in her or what?' The other asked eyeing his bestfriend giving him a smirk.
'Can you seriously shut up sometimes tae... it's annoying' Jimin took and turn and stopped right infront of Tae's place.

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