Chapter 22

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Jimin signalled the makeup artist to leave and she just bowed down leaving the two alone.

'Is it just you today?' Biyanka asked looking around the room while Jimin stared at her through the mirror.
'Why? You wanted to see someone else?' He asked smirking
'... no.. I'm just asking' she panicked
'It's a commercial for a watch company, the other members have ties with other ones' he got up from his chair unbuttoning his shirt.

'Wait.. wh..what are you doing?' She asked turning the opposite side and Jimin just laughed
'I'm just changing Biyanka. I'm not trying anything I promise' he said still not bothered.

He quickly changed into a maroon colored shirt
'You can look now' he informed her and she turned to see him all ready.

'Shall we go out?' He asked and she just followed nodding.
'Wouldn't they suspect anything? I mean you bringing me here. You're famous.' She said looking around as they made their way to the set.

'No. They won't. They're under a strict NDA. They cannot click photos or leak information. You don't have to worry about anything. Just enjoy.' He smiled, his eyes disappearing.

Biyanka nodded just following him.
They reached the set, and Biyanka looked around registering every thing.
She saw the big cameras, the stylists styling some models. The directors, the script writers.
'Scary?' JIMIN's voice brought her back to reality and she just swayed her head.
'Very much. It's such a huge work Han.' She said.

'Mr. Park, can you please head for your shot' came a girl bowing down to Biyanka and jimin both.
JIMIN's whole expression changed from the carefree to a very serious one.
'Here, keep my phone' Jimin gave Biyanka his phone and went ahead.
She stood behind the cameras looking at JIMIN's every move.
He was getting his touch ups when Biyanka was interrupted
'Ma'am, you can sit here' stood a Young guy offering her the chair.

'Oh thank you' she smiled taking it.
The whole shoot, she looked how Jimin didn't smile even one bit and the people around him seem to get so intimidated by his aura.

He was a king. He looked like he knew everything.
The directors had a smile filming him. His poses were to die for. Biyanka couldn't contain her admiration towards this gentlemen swooning everyone with his talent.

Jimin was done with 2 of his sets, and was to film the 3rd, when Biyanka felt the urge to use the washroom.

'Excuse me, where would I find the restroom?' She asked the lady working on the racks behind.
'Ma'am straight to your left please' she said and Biyanka made her way.

While she washed her hands straightening her suit, she saw a familiar figure walking into the washroom.
She looked at her through the mirror unable to recognize exactly where she saw her.
'Oh... B.. biyanka right?' The lady spoke,
She dressed in a shirt dressed, her blonde hair beautifully curled at the ends. She didn't look Korean at all, partly english but her Korean was good.
'Umm.. yes' Biyanka stood straight turning to her.
'Here for some auditions or what?' She smiled but she seemed not to give off any good vibes.

'No, I'm here accompanying someone' she said smiling.
'You always accompany people right? I mean.. you're just too basic to be standing here though.'
She commented letting out an in audible chuckle.

'Excuse me?' Biyanka narrowed her eyes.
'No wonder Jungkook left you. Were you really not that good Han?? Who's satisfying you now? Any new sugar daddy you found?' She smirked taking out her lipstick not looking at her.

Biyanka stood there shocked and speechless, she was beyond hurt. Hearing jungkook's name she finally realized, this was the woman he cheated her with.. Stacy.
'Mind your words Miss, you don't even know me' Biyanka stood for herself almost having tears in her eyes.

'I don't know you? Haha... I know you well after all your man used to be pleasured by me. He's handsome to be honest. Thanks to you, he's now just for me and doesn't have to answer your stupid calls in middle of our time' she rolled her eyes applying lipstick.
Biyanka stood there shocked. She didn't wanna hear a single word. She didn't want to know anything happening in jungkook's life, she wanted to forget her past. But this woman infront of her made her feel so little. She was being humiliated. She was talked down on.

'I wonder how long will this Jimin take to get bored of you. He's a good catch I must say. The most powerful one Han? I have to give it to you, you have some really good choice' Stacy turned to Biyanka walking past her hitting her shoulder while Biyanka just stood mum.

Her throat felt so tight. She finally ended tearing up. She felt like puking, totally sick at her stocmach. This whole conversation which took place, didn't have to take place. She was thrown back to her phase, she felt she couldn't breathe anymore.
Taking deep breaths she made it out of the washroom, wiping her tears walking towards the cameraman.

'Excuse me Mr. Lim, please give this to Mr. Park, I'll be leaving' she handed his phone to his manager who stood at the corner watching JIMIN's shoot.
Mr. Lim couldn't figure out what just happened to the woman he brought here. He could see the difference in her voice and eyes.
'Ma'am.. but.. ' he tried stopping her but realized she was too fast and had left.

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