Chapter 55

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'It feels like I'm sneaking out with my boyfriend when I'm suppose to study' Biyanka commented lacing her fingers with Jimin's while they both just casually walked through the streets of Paris.

'Well, we're kind of sneaking out but your manager doesn't have to know' he smiled under the mask rubbing his thumb over her hand.
'What If someone recognises you Jimin?' She asked stopping and looking at his face.
She fixed his mask better and pulled his cap down even more so he was almost unrecognisable.

'Mrs. Park sometimes you just have to stop worrying about us being caught!' He held her hands and rubbed her arms
'Cold?' He asked almost engulfing her in his arms and continuing walking.
In just some time they were standing below the Eiffel Tower.

'This is so good!' She commented and Jimin saw her biting on her croissant
'The view? Or the food?' He raised his eyebrows
'Umm.. both I guess' she smiled
He swiped his thumb across her lips, wiping it clean and nodding.

They made their way up towards the heights of The tower.
Seeing so many couples Biyanka felt it almost like a dream to be holding hands with her husband.
While she was busy looking at the view from the top, Jimin sneakily put his hands inside his coat pocket.

'J..jimin look..' she turned towards him pointing at the constellation , but her eyes turned wide when she saw Jimin on his one knee just looking at her fondly holding a black box with a stunning diamond ring.
'W...what' she stuttered unable to find words..
'Shhh... now you'll listen and I'll speak' he said not getting up.
'I know we're married, but I guess for the woman of my dreams.. the woman who makes me feel like a normal human.. when the world judges and fears me.. this is the least I can think of. You deserve a thousand diamonds for yourself Mrs. Park.' He chuckled
'I know we married under a quick decision but trust me, I have never been more proud of myself.. as I have after becoming your husband. We did not go through the so called normal dating phase, neither did you get any fancy proposal for marriage, but trust me... I couldn't wait to have you wear a ring on that finger which had my name to it. I promise to give you all the things you deserve .. for I have literally never experienced this what I do with you Biyanka. I couldn't help but actually fall so deep in love with you' he continued
Tears brimmed in his eyes while she was already tearing up bad.
He nodded smiling
'Yes my love, I'm finally admitting how deeply I've fallen in love with you.. and I swear I have no plans in getting up from it. From the day I saw you at that club .. to this day watching you eat your food like a child. I want to fucking spend every second of my life with you infront of my eyes just smiling. I love you Mrs. Park.. let's build our life with love and forget what the world thinks?' He completed getting up.
She was stunned, her vision blurred because of the tears when Jimin just stood inches away from her grabbing her left hand.
'To our Love Story, I promise to gain your trust and win that heart of yours soon baby ' he slid the beautiful ring on her finger.
In no time she hugged him tight, crying over his shoulder.
He simply rubbed her back..
'Th...this is the best thing J..Jimin..' she stuttered crying.
'I hate seeing you cry Biyanka. Don't make me regret confessing' he broke the hug wiping her tears.
She held him by his collar and pulled him to place her lips over his.
'I trust you' she mumbled against his lips.
He smiled inbetween the kiss sliding his tongue into her mouth literally French kissing her.

MR. PARKTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon