Chapter 48

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Lia and Biyanka sat watching some drama on the television while Jimin was busy inside the room.

'I'll be leaving now Yank.. it's already past midnight' Lia announced streching and getting up from the couch.
'You sure you don't wanna stay?' Biyanka asked raising her brows.
'Oh come on! I'm not a cockblocker! You're newly married.. go fucking behave like rabbits!' She rolled her eyes hugging Biyanka as she nudged her laughing.

While Lia wore her shoes, Jimin had entered the living room to see her off.
'I'd ask Mr. Lim to drop you' he smiled walking behind Biyanka and wrapping his arms around her waist.
'That's completely okay Mr. Park.. I can call for the taxi' Lia refused
'Come onnn.. I insist!' Biyanka requested


Morning at the Park Mansion was peaceful for the couple who were starting to learn ti trust eachother.
Almost everyday Biyanka found Mr. Lim dropping her off to the clinic while Jimin made sure he was always available whenever possible to pick his wife from work.

The Boys group had an upcoming tour regarding which Jimin had still not talked to Biyanka.

'Darling I need to talk to you about something, can' Jimin asked from the bedroom grabbing Biyanka's attention.
She kept her clothes aside and joined him in bed.
'Umm.. I have to fly to LA the next week, we're having a tour there' he confessed
Biyanka looked at him puzzled, her heart didn't feel at ease realising he'd be gone for sometime.
'Oh.. okay.. good luck.. you want me to start packing your stuff?'
She asked not looking at him in the eyes.
'Look here...' he said but she ignored grabbing the piece of cloth lying on the bed and stared to fold it.
'I said look here..' his voice went deeper. She brought her eyes to look into his.
'Tell me what's bothering you' he asked pulling her chin up.
'I am scared' she suddenly confessed.
JIMIN's eyes immediately softened
'Come here... tell me what's wrong' he pulled her for a hug.
She rested her head on his chest 'I'm used to be around you... and.... And.. I.. I just don't know if you'll be considering me as clingy if I tell you I don't want to leave your side' she said
It was the first time ever Biyanka brought her thoughts to words, she had never been this transparent with anyone.
Being with Jimin she felt she could finally open her heart and head, his presence suppressed her insecurities.
'You can be whatever you want infront of the outside world.. but when you're here.. in my arms.. with me.. I want you to speak even the slightest things The real Biyanka thinks. I want us to be truthful to eachother Biyanka. And this clingy Biyanka is my wife. I want this Biyanka.' He spoke clearing all the doubts in her mind.
She looked at him with tears in her eyes.
'I would never lie to you, I'd always be what I am.. even if it is not my best' She said
'I am your husband Biyanka, for the outside world I might be The Park Jimin.. but with you.. with my wife... I'm just the 29 year old Jimin, who too needs a safe place. So tell me, are you ready to keep up with this Jimin?' He asked caressing her hair
She didn't say a word but brought her face to kiss his lips.
Her hands went around his neck while his roamed on her waist.
The kiss was slow, but passionate. Jimin bit her lower lip gaining access to the kiss. His dominant side was clearly making Biyanka lose herself.
The sparks she felt was indescribable when his hands slid inside her shirt.
His other hand rested on her hips as he pulled her over him making her sit on his lap.

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