Chapter 53

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Her eyes and figure halted in the position she was left by the makeup artist.
JIMIN's aura spoke for his power.
The director bowed down and Jimin didn't even spare a glance.
'I see even you're one of those fans captivated by his charm' Her manager brought her out of her trance.
She said nothing still looking at him.
Jimin stood behind the camera instructing everyone to settle down just by moving his head.
'S..sir.. have a seat' one of the staff moved the chair behind him.

But to everyone's surprise, Jimin took off his sunglasses and mask walking towards Biyanka's direction.
Seeing this Jinyung almost panicked and froze.
Jimin stopped at arm distance from the two
'So you are Miss. Biyanka's manager?' Jimin looked at the man who almost was as tall as him.
'G..good morning Mr. Park. Yes.. Im her new manager' He spoke

Jimin just nodded and looked at Biyanka.
He just had to glare at the other man and they both were left alone between the eyes of others.

'Y.You' she stuttered just looking at his face.
He finally broke into a smile 'all the best Wifey... you'll do wonders' he just kept looking at hers.
'How come you're here.. what about the tour' she ignored his wishes and Jimin just laughed
'How could I leave you alone on the start of your new journey my darling.. You're to conquer the world.. I'm here.. just waiting for you to end this tiring day and settle in my arms' he whispered taking in all her beauty.
She just smiled back nodding.

During the whole scene which the staff and other junior artists witnessed, everyone's jaw stayed on the floor.
There were only few of them who had ever seen Jimin live in their life.. and the others just wished they could share the same air as him.
But now.. as he stood infront of them talking to this new comer, they just simply couldn't believe.
'Are they dating?' Came a whisper
Mr. Lim's head turned to the side and he coughed indicating rumours shall be spread.

'I believe you're all intelligent enough to keep things happening at the shoot till here? .. Mr. Park wouldn't like getting his privacy beinb invaded by a mere magazine? .. I hope we all don't want the name off the face of this earth tomorrow?' Mr. Lim's tone and warning was clear enough for everyone to zip their mouth and stand blind.

In no time Jimin sat behind the cameras just looking at his wife's movements.
'Mrs. Park surely looks stunning' the manager commented in Jimin's ears and Jimin just smiled.

Once the camera was on, and Biyanka's eyes looked into JIMIN's, her nervousness was long gone.
She faced the camera, and her demeanour changed with a flash. There was no softness, her face spoke for her look and the theme of the magazine.
'Fu k... is she trained?' The assistant director asked earning a laugh from the Main one.
'I told you! I saw something In her.. she's etheral' The director incharge took pride in praising his choice.

The whole staff was in awe of how beautiful Biyanka looked while posing and how she really did not require much of instructions.
'Pink is my new favourite I swear!' One of the stylists almost fangirled

During the whole while, Jinyung had his eyes on Jimin and Biyanka.
He was not sure why Jimjn was here just for a little new comer. Were they friends? Had she known him for long?
But they did no display of any affection.
He seemed to have that expressionless face throughout but his eyes spoke a million words.

Jinyung was too taken aback seeing his client perform so well. All his doubts about taking up her as his client vanished.
The respect for her in his eyes.. now was tough to be harmed.

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