Chapter 18

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'Go inside, I'll head back home' Jimin said standing infront of her door.
'You should come inside' she said opening the door to her apartment.
'You sure?' He asked while she turned giving him a blank stare.
'Why'd I ask otherwise?' She answers plain
He chuckled entering.
He was kinda amazed seeing her place. It wasn't huge or really lavish but it definitely screamed Biyanka.
The living room was perfectly neat, her house smelled like fresh flowers. Just like her scent which Jimin definitely started to like.
'You've got a nice place..... got damn wtf..' Jimin looked at the specific wall to the side decorated with guitars.
'Oh.. yeah I like collecting guitars' she noticed him staring at that beautiful wall.
'You can play?' He asked getting closer to the walls impressed by her collection.
'Umm.. not really. I just find them interesting' she walked to the kitchen
'Hot or cold coffee?' She asked grabbing his attention.
'Umm .. cold' he spoke finally settling down on the couch.

'Thank you for today' she offered him the cold coffee
'I hate you for thanking me everyday for nothing Biyanka' Jimin took a sip
'Okay, fine!' She rolled her eyes sitting besides.

'Block him. I don't want him around you anymore' he spoke not making any eye contact.
But the tone of his voice was commanding and full of anger. She didn't question him further and just nodded.
'Tryna protect your doctor huh?' She tried getting the atmosphere light

'Oh you wish ma'am, but trust me. I hate him. So you better do as I say Biyanka. You're no more just a doctor to me.. I mean to us' he stuttered at the end making Biyanka just stare at him.

'I guess I should be heading home. It's getting late anyways' he said resting his now empty cup on the table.
'Hmm.. okay' she followed
'Take good rest Biyanka' he turned before leaving which made her smile as she just nodded
'You too'

After a really log and emotionally wrecking day, Biyanka finally drifted off to sleep.


It had been 3 weeks since Jimin came to Biyanka's place for a coffee that night.
Since then, her mind had been in a battle.
Her whole body language changed, her eyes were lifeless, she was getting pale and not to forget how she struggled to sleep every night thinking about why and what made Jungkook turn into that complete monster he displayed.

'You're literally dependent on me. Come on now behave!'

' what did you say? Mr. Park is your patient? Haha... you think he's better than Me? He'll leave you too! And come on Bee Don't tell me you're warming his bed now. He's just using you after all why'd he go for someone like you!'

'Strong man you've got there Bee. Is he giving you money or what?'

These words by her ex continued to ring inside her head. She had never been this weak. NEVER. Also she had never been spoken to like this.
She was a strong woman. She was never the overthinking type. But Jungkook cheating on her and then saying how she would've climbed up someone's bed.. made her feel disgusted.

Her hands went up to her head as she sat on her bed 'STOPPPP!' she screamed.

She hasn't replied to any calls from any of her friends which included Taehyung.
Her phone lied in a corner ringing.. but the poor lady had her mind playing with herself.
She curled up in her bed, bawling her eyes out, sobbing.

The doorbell got her out of her trance.
She just sat .. crying and trying to wipe her tears.

She made small steps towards the door, praying the continued doorbell would stop.

'BEEEEE!' Tae almost yelled as soon as she opened her door.
She just stood without a word looking at him.

Taehyung POV

It had been weeks since I heard Biyanka's voice.
The night she left from that party was the last I saw her.
Inbetween our group schedules and my solo shoots, I took out time to text her and call. But it was all useless. She just never picked up nor replied.
My anxiety took a toll on me as I didn't hear from her for the 3rd week. I couldn't make it up to her clinic due to my work but I did call Yun this morning.
My eyes went wide when he told me that she's not been coming to the clinic ever since because she wasn't well.

'Hyung! I have some emergency, I'll leave' I informed yoongi hyung as he just nodded.
We both had been working on a song together and right now I had no space in my mind to work. I had to see Bee anyhow. I sped my car and made way to her place.

My patience wasn't helping while I continued to ring her doorbell. And the moment her door opened. I just stood frozen. She looked like a complete mess. Her hairs were a mess, her face was pale. Eyes bloodshot. And she looked thinner as comparison.
'Bee' I whispered walking closer to her while she just stared at me.
'BEE!' I raised my voice holding her shoulders and the next moment... I saw her eyes close and she fainted.

Before she could hit the ground my arms covered her body. I picked her up and put her on the couch searching for my phone.
'Bee! Get up! Beeee!' I shouted patting her cheeks only to realise she was burning up with fever.
I had tears streaming down my face. Cause I was panicking bad.

MR. PARKOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora