Chapter 51

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Jimin and the rest of the members had been doing live shows for the past 2 weeks.
'Jiminaah! You'll have to do a live soon, the fans really want it!' Namjoon commented entering his hote room.
'Yes hyung, I was planning on doing it' he replied

Both the brothers sat discussing about the group's future.
Since all the members were above thirty except Jimin and Taehyung who were about to hit 30 in some months, Namjoon wanted to discuss about their solo careers.
Jin wanted to try his luck in acting, he's been offered many shows too. Similarly, Yoongi who had been following his passion since start had tons of unreleased song he was planing to release once they decide on declaring their hiatus.
Taehyung had always been a charmer, he's been a face to many products, but he really wanted to model for some of his choice.
Namjoon for the love of his art had already been painting and crafting things along with music production, his aim after group was to travel Europe while learning new ways of living.

Jimin was the only member of BTS who had been handling two of his greatest passions together. Hence the power he held.
He was always interested in the industry but he didn't just want to be a company who hires and controls artists, he wanted to get a hold of the whole industry together. But his love and talent for dance and music brought him to follow his dream as well. He had already planned, if they were to part ways, he'd stick to his CEO position and focus of working overseas to explore more of the industry.
And now when he had found the woman of his life, he would follow wherever she takes him.

'After the tour, I guess we should put a hold on the group activities, I want us to focus on our personal lives as well' Namjoon commented
'Jin hyung will be getting married by the end of this year, and even Hobi hyung is planning on getting atleast engaged' he continued.

'What are your plans though? Like hyung how is it going on with Jess?' Jimin asked
Namjoon smiled
'Ah.. we're keeping it low right now. She's still getting settled in her field. I mean I know she loves me and I love her but.. I want to propose to her only when she is ready' he commented.
Namjoon had been dating a foreigner who was half Korean but had been born in the States.
He met her as his makeup artist. She was one of the most educated and stunning artists in Korea and just on their first date Namjoon had been whipped for her.

Jimin nodded hearing his plans.
He was still not sure about declaring his marriage to the leader but he would not lie about it. If namjoon asks about Biyanka he'll be telling him the truth.

Namjoon preferred not to ask much about JIMIN's personal life as he knew how personal and private Jimin had been with his relationships.
He had never brought a girl to meet the members cause he believed, he'd only get the woman he's gonna marry to meet his brothers.


In Paris,
Biyanka was now sitting in an office sipping coffee when Mrs. Bong was chatting with some editors.
The designers were busy preparing dresses while the makeup artist were been given instructions.
Since it was her first time the whole team she was going to work with was polite and welcoming.
'Biyanka! I'd like you to meet your new manager. He's quite experienced and I'm sure he'll be leading you well' Mrs. Bong caught her off guard.

'Ma'am, Is it necessary for me to have a manager at thsi point?' She asked being nervous
'Well ofcourse! You can't expect my old ass to follow you young lady. Thought I'm not that old but come on! We need you to land good deals and put your aura and beauty to use' she said forwarding a file to her.

Biyanka opened the folder, and her eyes read the name 'Jinyung.... 31 year old, designation ... assistant manager.. earlier managed by ..... the Milan company of fashion...'
'He's very stern and disciplined but I know you'd get along... you want to meet him tonight?' Mrs. Bong asked
And Biyanka just nodded.

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