Chapter 84

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Pov Jimin

I sat on the bed.. the hospital bed. I was just as confused with things going on as everyone looked .

I had just woken up 2 hours ago and the first question in my mind was.. why the fuck was my body hurting like a bitvh and why was I laying in a hospital bed.

Just some minutes ago I Namjoon Hyung, Hobi hyung, yoongi hyung... came to me with so much of sad and consumed looks ..

'jimin.. how are you?' Yoongi hyung asked me and I just looked at him
'I'm okay Hyung.. where's tae? Jin hyung?' I asked and he just looked at me staring

'..umm.. t..tae's gone for a vacation Jimin... he... he's not here in Korea' Hobi hyung interrupted and I looked at him confused

'Look Jimin.. you've lost a certain amount of memories .. everything's gonna look very confusing but we'll explain you things slowly okay?' Namjoon hyung said and I just nodded

'Now listen.. please do as we say.. there will be a woman walking inside.. she'd be crying.. she's gonna hug you.. you have to act like you know her okay? Please... just fucking let her touch you... let her cry on your shoulder okay?' He continued and I looked at him wide eyed

'A woman? Are you mad Hyung? You know I hate getting involved with females.. I have a fucking reputation..' I spoke almost getting irritated.. them trying to get me a woman as soon as I woke up .. and when I seem to have lost some memories? Like what's happening

'You fucking ass.. just do as we say I fucking beg you!' Yoongi hyung almost shouted and I just looked at him nodding.

Yoongi hyung never really gets angry and him telling me to do things.. I have to do it..

As we were talking a nurse walked inside and sat just across. She was here to feed me the food..
the boys were in their positions and then we heard the door open.
An unknown man stepped inside.. tall.. older than us maybe.. but all suited up.. and then my eyes went onto a figure of a woman.

Her hair all messed up.. her clothes disheaved.. it looked like she came running here.. still trying to catch her breath. I looked at her face.. and god she was beautiful.
Her eyes teared up as soon as she looked at me.. and I was just so confused why would she be crying like this.

I was in trance trying to register her face.. she looked like she hadn't slept in a month.. her weak figure walked inside when she whispered my name in almost an in audible voice.

I had no emotions.. why don't I know her and what is she doing here. She walked towards me and sat just adjacent. She payed no attention to anyone inside the room.. I mean we all were pretty famous.. but the moment her skin touched mine I flinched.
I was not a fan of being touched.. and by women.. it was a big no.

And suddenly her eyes went wide and she looked into my eyes. Her eyes bawling out in sadness and I could read the disappointment in her body language. Her shoulders and her smile which were just there some seconds ago faded.

' you don't remember me? Do you?' She asked in her honey voice and I felt her pain ..
She was sad.. she was disappointed..

I couldn't do anything but shake my head in a no and the next moment an in audible sob left her mouth.
She just got up smiling .. still looking at my figure..
'..Hi.. I'm Biyanka' she said keeping the smile but shedding the tears at the same time.. and her hand again made contact with me..
but I flinched again unknowingly.. which I guess hurt her even more..

Cause the next second she stood up and looked around and then at me

'Okay.. I'm.. I'm gonna come sometime later then.. J....ji...Mr. Park' she said and left

Did she call me Jimin? Did she know me?
Who was she? And why was she the most affected person from whatever condition I was in.

The moment I was taking time to absorb the incident.. I heard the glass shatter and I looked at Namjoon hyung being the most angry I have seen him

'You fucking asshole! YOU COULDNT EVEN PRETEND.. I TOLD YOU! I TOLD YOU TO FUCKING PRETEND! She was your fucking Wife! How could you just shake your head and say no when she asked you if you remember her or not!' He shouted and I could see tears forming in his eyes

Wife? ...when.. what? When did I get married?
No.. I wasn't married.. wtf.. she.. she was the woman I was married to? Why the fuck don't I remember her...

'Namjoon Hyung calm down.. he didn't know.. he doesn't remember anything' Hobi hyung went to the elder but Yoongi hyung cut him

'That was the reason we asked him to act! He is alright now! He couldn't even act .. she got to know.. did you see her? She's fucking broke.. she didn't wait all days and night here in the hospital for her husband to wake up and then forget her' Yoongi hyung said and I looked at him

I was here for days?

'Yes Jimin.. you've been out for weeks! And that woman outside.. she fucking refused to leave the hospital until you wake up and she's satisfied taht you're not dead.. I agree you don't fucking remember her but you could just act.. she's broken..' Yoongi hyung spoke and Namjoon hyung just left the room angry.


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