Chapter 9

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Jimin reached his apartment and shrugged off his uncomfortable feeling about whatever news Tae broke to him.

Meanwhile Biyanka just landed on her bed.. all ready to sleep but she somehow had herself thinking about one thing .. Jungkook.
Why would he not tell her about the gathering. And where was he right now.
She looked at her phone and opened the chat.
'I'm going out for dinner with Mr. Kim and Mr. Park, text me when you get free'
Was the last text .... Delivered.

It wasn't like she doubted Jungkook but he wasn't even behaving that well with her.
Getting out of her gloomy zone, she decided to call her boyfriend before sleeping .
'Hello' he finally answered on the 5th ring
'Hey.. how are you' Biyanka asked
'I'm okay.. I hope you understand I'm kinda stuck you know' he stated sounded exhausted.
'Yeah I know. It was just I was worried if you're doing fine. And where were you' she finally added the question
'Umm.. don't be worried. I'm at a friend's place Bee. We were having dinner while discussing some work' ....
'Do I know this friend kook?'she straight asked without trying to act nosy
'Yeah .. obviously Bee you know her! Okay I gotta go okay. Bye! See you' he cut the call before Biyanka could even complete.
She stayed on her bed completely awake trying to suppress the doubts her mind started having.
But In just moments sleep took over her.


The sun shown bright as Biyanka opened her eyes yawning.
Her day started off with the phoen literally blowing up with notifications.
She scrunched her brows and had a look at the screen.
'I finally got a call from the Seoul university Bee!'
'Where are you?'
'Get the fuck up bitch!'
'I'm gonna kill you'
'You listening or not??'
'I'm coming over'

Lia literally seemed to be shouting through the phone.
In minutes Biyanka found herself in front of the main door welcoming her best friend.
She jumped on Biyanka making her stumble back a lit.
'Okay sorry! I was sleeping! It's 7 in the morning Li!' She complained still struggling in the hug.

'You know what! I got admission in the Seoul University! Your best friend is gonna be a professor!' She shouted in her ear.
'Congratulations!!!' Biyanka beemed almost tearing up.
She was more than just happy to hear such a great news early morning. After all these past 9 months she saw her bestfriend struggling with the thesis and study.
And seeing her get into such a prestigious university was such a satisfying feeling for her.

'Can you please release me Li? I'm gonna suffocate!' Biyanka patted on her back.
'Oh yah sorry' Li said finally calming down

'This calls for a party Bee! We're going out for drinks.'
'Yeah yeah.. we are. Tell me what do you want me to buy for you?' Biyanka asked pouring some juice in the class for her friend.

'Treat me with some street food! I've been craving for weeks now' Li complained
'Whatever you say my majesty' Bee bowed offering the glass to her.

'Okay Li now listen. I'm heading out to the clinics. I've some really important people coming today.. I'll call you once I'm done. You rest and don't forget to water my plants!' Bee Walked out of the apartment.

Biyanka reached her clinics and got a bone crushing hug from Yun.
'What's the good news from your side today Yun?' She pushed him
'No news. I'm just generally shining' he informed smiling.
'Slacking is not allowed today. Mrs. Bong would just be here anytime' Biyanka walked inside
'Oh the rich ass lady with not so fine ass? Okay okay' Yun followed.


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