Chapter 50

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Biyanka heard her phone ringing while working.
'Hello' she put the phone on speaker without checking the Id
'Good morning darling' JIMIN's voice echoed in the room and she dropped the instrument getting startled.
The patient on her chair today was a gentlemen from the business field. He wasn't a day more than 27, he was one of her regulars... as soon as he heard The call, he looked at the other side not wanting to see an embarrassed doctor.
Biyanka immediately threw her gloves sticking the phone to her ear.
'Good... good morning' she said with her cheeks still in a shade of pink.
'How are you, I just got done with one of the live sessions with the fans, we're going out for Dinner today.. did you sleep well?' He informed
'Yes yes I did, Did you eat well?' She asked in return
'I am. Mr. Lim and Tae are at my throat. They've got strict instructions from my wife to feed me all the time' he commented laughing making Biyanka giggle.
'Just take care of yourself okay? I'll text you once I'm done with my work.' She said hanging up as he whispered her to take care as well.

Jimin had always been the assertive type with her. She didn't have to think twice about his decisions or his whereabouts cause he always knew where he was at. That's how dedicated he was.

Biyanka was off to home , and her new assistant started to ease her work quite well. She was doing a good job, making things way easier for Biyanka as she couldn't attend clinics sometimes due to meetings regarding her new career path she was choosing.
She had to pack her luggage already cause her flight got Paris was past midnight.

Jimin called her again before going to sleep to ask her about her flight details and the time she'll land.
He was so adamant in even providing Biyanka with a manager before she flies but she insisted it should wait a bit till she's totally keeping well in the industry.

While she boarded the flight, she was accompanied by Mrs. Bong and Mr. Choi, the magazine head who was suppose to guide Biyanka.
'Ma'am, your seats have been updated to Business class, you can follow me' the lady attendant at the flight spoke when they entered.
Biyanka narrowed her eyes in confusion looking at the other two people with her.
'It might be a mistake Miss' she asked when the lady just simply handed her a white card.
Biyanka flipped the card and read
'have a safe and relaxing Flight wife,
- Your Husband'
She smiled looking at the card and then keeping it inside her wallet.

Mrs. Bong and Mr. Choi were informed that this was just a lucky thing that their seats got promoted, while Biyanka sat texting Jimin.
'You didn't have to do that'
'Trust me, If I were with you.. it would've been that way only' his reply came

The flight took off, and Biyanka relaxed. It wasn't the first time she was travelling to Paris. But it was definitely the first time she was there to witness a fashion show and be a part of a magazine cover.


When Biyanka and the other companions of hers landed, they were straight ushered to one of most beautiful hotels of the city.

She was staying by herself, her room smelled of roses and screamed peace.
While she opened her balcony, she could see the Eiffel Tower beautiful standing tall.
Her heart immediately wanted to text Jimin and that's what she did.
She clicked a picture of the view and sent it to him.
'not as pretty as I thought... I'd want the photographer to be in the photo as well' his message read.
She giggled clicking a selfie of herself and sending.
And just the next second Jimin was calling.
'One of the best views I've witnessed!' He said making her blush
'You've been on phone all the time Mr. Park, I wonder what are you even touring for' she said walking towards the bed and sitting.
'Ma'am, I must tell you.. I might be hella busy right now.. with Jin Hyung eating my brains off and Hobi Hyung scaring the shit out of us for the dance.. but I have a priority and that happens to be Mrs. Park, so please kindly do not judge my Hardwork.. I'm a newly married man. I wanna make my wife fall for me' he said and Biyanka's heart skipped a beat hearing his last sentence.

Well he was doing a pretty good job in trying to make her fall in love cause she couldn't stop thinking about him for once.
He had been the most patient and caring towards her that sometimes it hurt her seeing that she couldn't do much for her husband.
She sometiems was scared of waking up one day and having No Jimin in life, cause he was too good to be true.

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