Chapter 76

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Current time

Biyanka had been recommended some rest. She was in her room all the time cursing Jimin for not even letting her get up and take a glass of water.
Two new maids were appointed, NDA had been signed by them... since Biyanka and Jimin were still strangers to the world.

'Aunt Ahn... Can I just go out for a bit? I'm so tired sitting here' Biyanka requested keeping her cup of coffee on the side table and throwing the magazine in her hand aside.
'I'm so sorry Mrs. Park, Mr. Park would fire me, I am strictly told not to let you walk' she exited the room with a sad tone.

An hour flew, and Biyanka still read the same magazine thrice...
The sound of the bell diverted her attention and soon she could hear some chaos from outside her room.

'Aunt Ahn... Sumi! Who's it?' She shouted
The door of her room opened
'Oh my God! Liaaaa!' She got down of the bed running towards the door.. after all it was after such long she was seeing her best friend.
She then noticed a smiling TAEHYUNG holding some bags in his hands.

'Tae!!' She jumped in his arms next.
'I missed you both so much' Biyanka's fake cried and Lia just kissed her head from behind

'I missed you too Yank! So much! Fuck ... you scared all of us so much. Tell me how are you!' Lia asked taking Biyanaka towards the bed and sitting with her.
'I wanna kill Jimin' Biyanka whispered with an annoyed expression
'K...kill? ... wh.what?' Tae stood shocked
'He's not letting me lift a finger.. he's way too concerned!!' Biyanka sat on the bed


'Lim I asked you to go through the files' Jimin narrowed his eyes reading some mails
'Yes sir, I did.. but there were some specific missing...' Lim Informed and Jimin just got into the matter more seriously..

4 months later

Biyanka POV

It had been almost 4 months since I was discharged. To be honest I still felt scared working alone at my clinic, due to which Jimin appointed a bodyguard outside.

Jungkook has been behind the bars ever since Jimin decided to press the charges.
No one in the industry had a clue of us being together ..
but now The whole BTS knew.
They had permanently disbanded.
Tae used to visit me along with Lia almost every week. They were about to get engaged soon.

Jimin had been busy with his solo projects and business, but he had been even a better husband.
He listened to me, made sure I was happy and taken care of. We had so much on our plate when I came back from the hospital.
The shoots, my personal clinical work, the contracts Jimin and his company were dealing with.. and ofc our personal life.

Being Jimin's wife was not just rainbows, we had our arguments .. when I decided to shut off completely feeling useless when it came to my work.
I wasn't feeling fully healthy to be able to handle two completely different professions. And now when I had started to appear on magazines and get a bit of recognition.. it was almost impossible for me to carry out my degree job.

'So .. Yun.. here we are. You'll be working with a different owner now. But don't forget. I love you!' I said hugging my friend Yun.
He had just returned from his grandparents place after 6 months.
The number of times he apologized for not being there for me made me wanna strangle him.

'I'll miss you but you're doing way too good in the industry.. you're gonna become a star!' He whispered still hugging and I just wiped my tears.
I had sold my  clinic to some other doctor. Jimin had no say in my decision.
I still remember the day I decided to do this..


'I feel like I should choose one career path' I spoke to Lia.
'Why'd you say that.. I mean I get it it's getting so hectic for you. You're never home ..' she said
I looked at her and nodded

'Him and I talk really less these days. I mean it's just when I'm shooting some ad he's sometimes there to just look saying he needs to hire me soon.. or when I don't have any shoot .. that's once in two weeks' I admitted

'I agree. I'd understand if you'd wanna quit this whole celebrity model thing.. I mean it's tiring!'

'No. I'm thinking of quitting my clinical work' I said and she turned her head
'What? You're not serious? Bi! How?' She asked
And I just smiled.

'Look lia.. Jimin introduced me to the cameras. He never forces me to do anything.. moreover just supports my decisions. But that's the only time when I get to see him more and the more I see him at my work place .. I realize how much he loves his job.. how much he loves his art.. and how much he loves me participating in it. I've seen that look in his eyes. The time he says 'he's proud of me' .. I want to do more of acting and modeling... for him.. for us' I said

Lia just looked at me with tears in her eyes
'I don't know what to say but whatever you say. Jimin is lucky to have you Bi!' 
She hugged me and I just smiled..

As easy as it was for me to explain things to Lia, it was equally difficult to make Jimin understand

'You're insane ! I mean.. come on! You cannot give up your dream job Biyanka. You can quit Modeling sweetheart' he came to pull me in a bag hug.

'I want to do modeling Jimin, it's my dream job now.' I said breaking the hug and turning to him.

'I won't pressurize you for something but baby.. you just need to think more? Please promise me that you're not doing it for anyone else? And it's genuinely making you happy?' He asked
While I just pulled him in a hug nodding

'I love you' I said kissing the crook of his neck.
'I love you more' he caressed my hair.


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