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it was one day, and Jay was eating sushi in a restaurant, while waiting for Rhianna.

Rhianna walked in, and saw Jay, and walked over to him.

Hi Jay! Rhianna stated, as she sat down.

Oh, hello Ri. Jay said, as he placed his chop sticks down.

We gotta do the Bank run remember, Terry is on his way. Rhianna stated, as she placed a big black brief box on the table.

Jay put his sushi down on the table, and replied to Rhianna.

Oh yeah, right. Jay spoke, as he saw terry and his wife Julia walking towards them.

Hey you two! Terry exclaimed.

Hey Bro!  Jay stated, as the men both shared a bro hug. 

Hey Julia. Rhianna piped up, as she went over to hug her.

Hi Rhianna. Julia said, as they broke apart. 

So, we got a baby on the way!! Terry exclaimed happily. 

Woah, congrats guys!! Jay spoke up, as he went to hug Julia. 

Okay, we gotta go do a bank run, but don't worry I'll keep this one outta trouble. Jay Joked.

Haha, yeah you better! Julia Joked as well. 

They all said their goodbyes, and The boys and Rhianna made their way to check in.

Yo, Andy! Rhianna shouted.

Andy walked out, and got met with 3 people.

Yo guys! Andy stated. 

So Andy, you got the money? Rhianna said, cutting straight to the point. 

uhh, yep, yep I do. Andy stuttered. 

Andy gave the money to Rhianna, who gave it to the boys/

You will make the drop off, with Sam, the driver, be safe out there boys!! Rhianna said seriously. 

Don't worry we will. Terry promised. 

They got into the car with the driver, and drove to the drop off point. 

So, you guys got girlfriends? Sam asked.

Jay and Terry felt uncomfortable with Sam asking these questions. 

Let's keep it professional yeah Sam? Terry said, as he saw Jay getting a bit anxious. 

Alright then! Sam said. 

Jay was a bit calmer now.

Umm, what's that smell? Terry pointed out.

Petrol? Jay wondered. 

They got cut off short, as a car filled with fire, landed right in front of them. 

OH MY GOD!! Sam screamed. 

REVERSE! SAM! REVERSE! Jay ordered, as he sat back in the seat tightly. 

ALRIGHT! Sam obeyed. 

Sam reversed the car, and Jay heard 3 loud pops, so he pulled out his gun, with terry in sync. 

Terry follow my lead alright! Jay asked.

Copy! Terry said, as they both got out silently. 

The gunmen fired more shots, which caused Jay and Terry to duck behind the car.

Sam ducked under the car, instead of helping out. 

POLICE!! Jay Screamed.

The gunmen fired more shots, and one hit Terry. 

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