~Hailey Little (2)~

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Jay and Hailey were in the bullpen, and Hailey was holding onto her blanket.

"You alright, Hails?" Jay asked.

Hailey nodded, and typed up her paperwork.

"You got a fresh diaper on?" Jay questioned.

"Wes, Mama did it for me." Hailey mumbled.

Jay nodded, he knew when Hailey said 'Mama' she meant Trudy, and she understood Hailey's littleness.

"Good Job!" Jay smiled.

Commander Crowley came into the bullpen. and had her eyes trained on Hailey, unaware that Hailey was in her little space.

"UPTON!" Crowley.

Hailey got scared, as she suckled on her pacifier.


The unit all saw Hailey not following the rules of Crowley.

"Alright! That's enough!" Jay walked over.

Crowley looked from Hailey to Jay.

"I don't remember speaking to you, Halstead?" Crowley explained.

Jay nodded, he didn't care.

"Your right, you didn't, but stop ripping on my wife!" Jay ordered.

Hailey looked at Kim, suckling heavy on her pacifier.

"Oh Hails." Kim walked over.

Hailey reached her arms out, allowing Kim to carry her.

"Come here.." Kim whispered.

Hailey wrapped her legs around Kim's waist, lying on her shoulder.

"Umm, Upton? You should be working, not hugging your co-workers." Crowley explained.

Kim walked Hailey out, when Jay done the look.

"Listen! My wife has little space, which means she's re-experiencing, things which she done as a toddler, like wearing diapers, sucking her thumb, and how she keeps whimpering, and crying, it's her mind making her do that, she can't help it..." Jay explained.

Crowley smirked, and thought Jay was lying.

"Haha, very funny, if Hailey's paperwork is not on my desk, by the end of the day, I'm taking her badge." Crowley threatened.

"Hmm, okay, but don't expect it to be clean, it could have drool, as it takes awhile for Hailey to come out of her little space." Jay responded.

Crowley huffed, and walked out. 

"That told her." Hank whispered.

The unit nodded, and saw Kim walking out with Hailey.

"You okay, babe?" Jay asked.

"Yes, Halstead." Hailey smiled.

Jay smiled, his girl was starting to speak big.

"You ready to speak big?" Jay smiled.

Hailey nodded, and smiled.

"It's okay, if you start dropping again, Upton, no one will judge you." Hank reassured.

Hailey nodded, and sat at her desk.

The unit all went to their desks, and started working.

"Jay Jay?" Hailey asked.

Jay looked up, and smiled.

"Yes, Hails?" Jay asked.

"Pacifier? Blankie?" Hailey turned little.

Jay smiled, and nodded.

"Here you go." Jay handed the things.

Hailey held the blanket in her hands, and suckled on her pacifier.

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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