Mouse died!

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It was one morning, Erin and Jay were getting ready for work, until something bad got in the way. 

The doorbell rang, and Erin said she'll get it, as Jay was doing his buttons up. 

I'll get it baby. Erin spoke, as she placed her badge on her belt. 

Thanks babe! Jay thanked her, while he was getting ready.

Erin opened the door to two Army officers, her heart dropped, She thought Jay was going back in the army. 

Can I help you? Erin questioned. 

The two officers cleared their throats, and looked at Erin. 

Does a Mr Jay John Halstead live here Ma'am. One of the officers Asked.

This was it, Erin's mind closed in on her, she knew Jay was definitely going back, but turns out he wasn't. 

Umm, yes he does, what's this about May I ask? Erin asked, as Jay came walking downstairs. 

W-.. The other started, but got cut off by Jay. 

I'm Jay Halstead sir. Jay saluted to show appreciation. 

I'm very sorry but Greg Gerwitz died during the Humvee. The officer spoke with sadness. 

Jay's world came crumbling down around him, His brother, best friend, has died. 

W-what. Jay stuttered, tears dripping down his face. 

Erin was upset, she didn't know mouse that well, but they got on really well, and It was really sad to see him go. 

He died from a gunshot wound, made it to the medics, but they were too late. The officer replied helplessly. 

Erin could tell he was shutting down, so she took over, as Jay excused himself. 

Thank you so much for telling us, have a nice day. Erin replied nicely, but her husky voice, was breaking down.

No problem ma'am. The officer replied. 

They exchanged their goodbyes and condolences, and Erin shut the door. 

Jay. Erin called out. 

Baby. Erin shouted, as she raced upstairs. 

Erin saw the bedroom open, It was the spare room, meaning It was Mouse's room. 

Erin walked through, and her heart shattered at her boyfriend, Jay was under the covers, sobbing his whole body shaking. 

Oh baby. Erin whispered, as she sat on the bed. 

H-He's g-gone E-Erin, n-not e-ever c-coming b-back!! Jay sobbed. 

I know bubba, I know. Erin spoke softly, as she pulled the covers back, and gently placed his head on her lap, and massaged his head softly. 

Erin eventually put him to sleep with the motion, and placed his head on the pillow, after taking his shoes off, and placing his bed joggers on, she kissed his head warmly, and walked out to call Hank. 

H - Voight. Voight spoke like he normally does.

E- Hi Hank, Um, Mouse died during the Army, and Jay is in pieces, He's asleep in Mouse's room, so we won't be in today. Erin said, trying not to cry. 

H - Oh Man, Poor Jay, Don't worry about coming in the past week Erin, you and Jay take as much time as you need, Voight spoke sincerely. 

E - Okay, thanks Hank, Can I just ask, don't tell anyone yet. Erin asked, as she peered through the door, to see Jay exactly where she left him sleeping softly. 

V - Of course Erin, I might visit you at home during the week, just to see how you both are. Voight piped. 

E - Okay thanks, Bye hank. Erin said her goodbyes. 

H - No problem, Bye kiddo. Voight spoke fatherly. 

Erin hanged up, and walked back into the room where Jay was. 

Erin got into her pyjamas, and hopped in bed, Jay sensed a new person, and It was his girl, He instantly snuggled up, this warmed Erin's heart. 

Hi My Readers!!

This wasn't suggested, Hope you all like it!!

I'm still on the Plane it's delayed by a few Minutes, so more story time for me. 

Drop some suggestions, and comments, also don't forget to vote!!

~ Stay Safe

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