Erin's mom

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Erin and Jay walked into the bullpen, and saw Bunny upstairs.

"W-What's your mom doing here?" Jay whispered.

"I don't know?" Erin shook her head.

Erin walked up to her mom, and spoke.

"Mom? W-What are you doing here?" Erin asked.

Bunny turned round, and smiled.

"Sweetheart!!" Bunny exclaimed.

Erin didn't say anything, she was angry.

"Got a minute?" Erin lead Bunny to the breakroom.

Bunny walked with Erin, and walked in the breakroom.

"What do you want?" Erin shut the door.

"I'm getting married!! 5:00." Bunny explained.

"W-Why do you even want me there?" Erin asked.

"Y-Your my daughter!! I love you!!" Bunny waved her hands out.

"You didn't love me 15 years ago, in fact, you never loved me." Erin quipped.

"D-Do we have to bring up all the negative stuff?" Bunny asked.

Erin scoffed, and spoke.

"W-Were done here." Erin opened the door.

Bunny sighed, and walked out.

As soon as Bunny walked out, Jay walked into the breakroom.

"Hey, saw Bunny walk out, you alright?" Jay asked.

Erin looked at Jay, and spoke.

"Well, Bunny's getting married, probably kicked boyfriend 15 to the curb, and she wants me to come." Erin explained.

"W-Wow..." Jay started.

"Yeah." Erin finished.

"D-Do you wanna go?" Jay asked.

"I don't know..." Erin walked out.

Jay nodded, and walked to his desk.

After a few hours. Jay was at Molly's with Maddie, drinking a shot.

"So, where's White Mike? He's usually 6 feet down in shots." Jay wondered.

"White Mike, is getting married." Maddie replied.

"White Mike?!" Jay asked.

"Yep!" Maddie chuckled.

Jay raised his shot glass up, and spoke.

"To White Mike!" Jay clinked glasses with Maddie.

"White Mike!" Maddie clinked back, and drank hers.

Jay and Maddie smiled, and talked.

After 15 minutes, Erin was talking to Bunny at a café.

"C-Can you come to my wedding, sweetie?" Bunny asked.

"I-I don't know? Seeing as you didn't come to mine and Jay's?" Erin replied.

"Look, I was in a b-." Bunny got cut off.

"Bad place? Yeah, I know." Erin drank her coffee.

"More to the positive, do you remember when? You and your friends, used to go to the lake, and throw pebbles?" Bunny smiled.

"I-I don't remember that?" Erin kept her face neutral. 

"O-Oh." Bunny drank her coffee.

"But, you know what I do remember on the 4th of July?" Erin asked.

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