~Erin and Jay, meet Lucas and Peyton~

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Peyton and Lucas were landing in Chicago, getting ready to see their best friend.

"So, what do you think Erin will do, when we turn up at her doorstep?" Lucas asked.

Peyton grabbed her luggage, and spoke.

"No idea? Hopefully, welcome us?" Peyton shrugged.

Lucas nodded, and held Peyton's hand.

"Let's see Chicago..." Peyton sighed.

Lucas and Peyton held hands, and got in a taxi.

Erin and Jay were asleep in bed, cuddled into each other.

After a few minutes. The door knocked, and it woke Erin and Jay up.

"W-Who's at the door?" Erin mumbled.

"No idea.." Jay whispered.

Erin sighed, and got out of bed.

"I'll go see!!" Erin left the room.

Jay did a thumbs up, and fell back to sleep.

After 10 minutes. Erin walked to the door.

"I swear, I'll hurt you in ways that haven't been invented yet, if it's you Adam.." Erin threatened.

Erin opened the door, and was shocked to see who was on the other side.

"Hey!" Peyton smiled.

Erin was shocked, she had no idea what to do.

"Y-You gonna let us in?" Lucas asked.

Erin jumped into Peyton's arms, and cried.

"I-I can't believe your here!!" Erin exclaimed.

Peyton giggled, and hugged tightly.

"LUCAS!!" Erin hugged Lucas.

"Well, Hello!" Lucas smiled.

After a second. A tired Jay came into the hall.

"Babe?" Jay rubbed his eyes.

Everyone looked at Jay, and smiled.

"Jay, these are my best friends, Peyton Sawyer, and Lucas Scott!" Erin explained.

Jay nodded, and walked over.

"Hi, I'm Jay Halstead, nice to meet you." Jay smiled.

Lucas and Peyton nodded, and shook hands.

"Sorry, come in, come in." Erin guided.

Lucas and Peyton smiled, and walked in.

"Can I take your bags?" Jay asked.

"Umm, sure." Lucas nodded.

Jay smiled, and took Lucas and Peyton's bags.

"So, what you doing here?" Erin asked.

Lucas and Peyton looked at each other, and smirked.

"What?" Erin smirked.

"Me and Lucas are engaged!!" Peyton jumped up and down.

Erin rushed over, and wore a huge smile.

"WHAT?! LET ME THE BLING!!" Erin yelled.

Peyton held her hand up, and smiled.

"WOAH!" Erin looked at the silver ring.

Peyton giggled, and smiled.

"Why didn't you tell me!!" Erin asked.

"I tried calling, but, your phone was off..." Lucas admitted.

Erin nodded, and sighed.

After a few hours. Everyone was on the couch. Erin cuddled into Jay's chest, and, Lucas cuddled into Peyton.

"This movie is like, the best!!" Erin called out.

Everyone agreed, and carried on watching.

After a few minutes. Lucas and Jay fell asleep, on their girl's lap.

"Our boys are so adorable." Peyton played with Lucas's hair.

Erin nodded, and played with Jay's hair.

"So, what's new with you?" Peyton whispered.

Erin smirked, and spoke.

"Well, Jay got promoted Sergeant..." Erin looked at Peyton.

Peyton was gobsmacked, she didn't know.

"W-Wait!! Y-Your a cop?" Peyton asked.

Erin nodded, and giggled.

"W-Why didn't you tell me!!" Peyton ran her hand over Lucas's eyebrows.

Erin shrugged her shoulders, and pulled gently on Jay's hair.

"T-That's a big thing!!" Peyton still couldn't believe it.

Erin nodded, and smiled.

After Awhile. Everyone went to bed, and woke up in the morning.

"BREAKFAST!!" Erin shouted.

Peyton and Lucas walked downstairs, and walked to the table.

"Aww, you remembered..." Peyton smiled.

"Of course! How could I forget my P. Sawyer's cereal?" Erin handed the bowl.

Peyton smiled, and ate some of her cereal.

Everyone ate their breakfast, and talked.

After a few hours. Peyton and Erin were shopping, and Jay and Lucas were talking.

"So, how'd you know Erin?" Jay asked.

Lucas sat down, and spoke.

"Well, I met her from Peyton, she was a cheerleader, I was on the ravens team, she once twisted her ankle, and took some very strong painkillers, and said she wanted Peyton to be called Erin Lindsay, that was until she woke up with Peyton driving, and me in the front seat, Erin had no idea what was going on, and we all giggled." Lucas explained.

Jay laughed, and nodded.

"JAY!!" Erin shouted.

Jay quickly got up, and rushed over.

"ERIN!!" Jay spotted her.

"C-Can I get this?" Erin held up a bikini.

Jay sighed, and spoke.

"I-I thought you were in trouble..." Jay laughed softly.

Peyton and Lucas laughed as well, and looked at Erin and Jay.

"Well, I'm not, so, can I buy this?" Erin asked.

Jay laughed, and nodded.

"Y-Yes babe!" Jay nodded.

Erin squealed, and walked to the checkouts.

After about six hours. They all were home, and eating dinner.

"So, I didn't know how good Chicago's pizza actually was!!" Peyton awed.

Erin and Jay giggled, and Erin spoke.

"Yeah, when my mom left, my dad, he used to buy these plain cheese pizza's, and put on Bologna, Mushrooms, Pineapple, all that stuff..." Erin smiled.

"T-That sounds nasty!" Lucas smirked.

"No, It was actually really good, I think he just made it to make me happy, but whatever." Erin picked another pizza slice.

Everyone nodded, and they all went to bed.

Hi My Readers!!

I hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~ Stay Safe 😊

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