Needle phobia

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It was one morning, and Jay was getting his blood test done, and he was so worried. 

Hailey woke up first, to get dressed, then woke up Jay. 

"Baby." Hailey whispered. 

Jay gave a mumble, and snuggled back into the duvet. 

"Jay, we need to go to the doctor's for your blood test." Hailey softly took the duvet off him, and helped him sit up. 

"No, I'm scared." Jay whimpered. 

Hailey knew Jay hated needles, once he passed out, and needed to stay overnight.

"I know you are bubba, but I'll be right with you." Hailey smiled. 

"P-Promise." Jay asked. 

"I promise baby." Hailey promised. 

"O-Okay then." Jay smiled softly. 

Jay got out of bed, and got changed into his clothes. 

"Ready bubba?" Hailey asked. 

"Yep, let's get this over with." Jay sighed, as he grabbed his badge, and gun. 

They both walked out, and locked the door, before going to the car. 

They both hopped in, and Hailey drove them to the doctor's. 

Hailey parked in the free space, and talked to Jay. 

"Baby,  your gonna be okay, it's just gonna be a little scratch, then we can go annoy Adam at work. Hailey suggested." as she smiled. 

"B-but you'll hold my hand?" Jay whispered. 

"Jay, of course I will." Hailey kissed Jay's nose, before getting out of the car. 

They opened the heavy door, and walked up, Jay gave his information. 

The couple took a seat, and Jay rested his head on Hailey's shoulder, waiting to be called. 

"JAY HALSTEAD!" The doctor shouted. 

"Baby, I'm right here." Hailey reassured. 

Jay nodded, and got up with Hailey, to follow the doctor. 

"Hi Mr Halstead, take a seat on the chair, and we'll begin." The doctor kindly smiled. 

"Please call me Detective." Jay smiled.

"Okay, No problem." The doctor replied, as she got the needle ready. 

Hailey grabbed Jay's hand softly, and told him to squeeze as hard as he wanted.

"I'm right here baby, squeeze my hand." Hailey gently suggested. 

Jay eyed the needle, and buried his face in Hailey's neck. 

"Aww, poor kid." The doctor smiled sadly. 

"Yeah, he doesn't really get on with needles." Hailey sighed, as she stroked Jay's head. 

"It's okay, I'll be super quick, I promise." The doctor whispered, as she rolled up his sleeve, to get better access. 

Hailey felt Jay nodding, and told the doctor he's ready. 

"He's ready." Hailey smiled. 

"Okay, here we go Jay." The doctor replied, as she pierced the needle through his shoulder, and took some blood. 

Jay whimpered, as the needle made contact with his skin. 

"Shh, it's okay baby, It's all done." Hailey whispered softly. 

"You did very well Jay." The doctor smiled, as she placed a cotton ball, and tape on the pierce. 

Hailey rolled Jay's sleeve down gently, as he moved his head from Hailey's neck. 

"Thanks Doc." Jay replied, as he got up, with Hailey. 

No problem, we'll email you with the results. The doctor smiled, as she opened the door. 

Jay said his response, and they all exchanged their thank yous. 

Once Hailey and Jay made it outside, Hailey smiled at Jay. 

"See it was okay, you were very brave baby". Hailey beamed. 

"I feel it!" Jay exclaimed, as they both got into the car. 

Hailey was so proud of her husband, even though he did cry, but Hailey didn't mind. 

Hi My Readers!!

This was suggested, so hope you like it!!

Comment, vote, and suggest. 

~ Stay safe

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