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It was one morning in the bullpen, and Jay and Erin were fighting. 

"No, don't put this on me Erin". Jay argued, as he walked up the stairs, with Erin behind him. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, well it's not my fault, that you screwed it up" Erin yelled. 

"Yo, what's going on? Adam spoke, as he walked over to the fighting couple. 

"Stay out of it Ruzek!" Jay and Erin replied in unison, as they went back to arguing. 

"Woah, okay. Adam raised his hands in surrender, as he walked back. 

"Okay, well what would you do if it happened to you huh? Jay asked. 

"Well, I wouldn't go flirt with the lady who worked there. Erin explained. 

All the others were watching the Fight, and were just giggling silently, even hank. 

"Oh, this is where were going now is it? Jay smirked. 

"Yeah, I guess it is." Erin growled. 

"Okay, well let's see how many times, you've flirted with bartenders, Bunny's ex boyfriends, getting drugs from them, no wonder you turned out like that." Jay shouted, and he crossed a very bad line. 

Everyone stopped Laughing, and was so mad at Jay, he had no right to say that. 

"Bro what the fuck" Kevin shouted. 

"How dare you." Erin raged, as she slapped him across the face. 

NO ONE SPEAKS TO ME LIKE THAT EVER!! Erin snarled, tears filled her eyes. 

Erin started breaking down in front of the team, Kevin quickly rushed over, and picked Erin up, and held her tightly, while she crumbled in his arms. 

Adam walked over, and gave Jay a few words.

"I think you should leave now, you upset the most nicest, kindest girl you could of ever met." Adam growled, as he pushed Jay. 

Hank came rushing over, smoke coming out of his ears, as he grabbed Jay, and shoved him against the wall. 

"No one talks to my daughter like that, Look what you've done to my beautiful daughter, you've crumbled her into pieces, get out of my Unit. Hank ordered, as Jay looked at Erin sobbing quietly, now in Kim's arms. 

"I'm gone." Jay held his hands up, and exited. 

Hank quickly took Erin in his arms, and stroked her hair back soothingly, as she sobbed, and sobbed. 

"Shhh, it's okay kiddo, I've sent him packing, your safe with us." Hank whispered, as he smiled. 

Erin stopped sobbing, and ran back into Kim's arms. 

After awhile, Erin fell asleep on Kim's Lap, legs on Kevin's lap. 

"I'm gonna call someone who can help that Asshole. Voight dialled the number.

They all know that Voight is gonna call Will, he's the only one who can get through to Jay in his most probably drunk state.  

"Man, I know Jay should of never said that, but I hope he's okay." Adam whispered.

They all agree, as they watched the 24 year old girl sleeping in Kim's lap. 

Jay was in his car, sobbing his heart out, he didn't wanna say all those things, It just came out, and now his whole team hates him, including Erin, so he decided to go get drunk. 

Jay arrived at Molly's, and asked Hermann for a double whiskey. 

"Yo, A double whiskey please Hermann." Jay spoke, as he sat at the bar. 

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