Broken Arm

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Erin and Jay were interviewing a suspect. and the suspect had anger issues.

"So, you didn't answer my question, where were you at the time of the murder at 1809 West Walcott?" Erin questioned.

"Kiss my ass, Hot stuff." The suspect smirked.

Just before Erin replied, Jay stood up. and grabbed the suspect by the collar. and pinned him.

"Answer. her. question." Jay growled.

The suspect pushed Jay into the table, and Jay flipped over, breaking his arm in the process. 

"Ahh!! Fuck!" Jay winced. and rolled over, and held his arm.

Erin stood up. and told Atwater to take the suspect out.

After a moment. the suspect left, and Erin walked over to Jay.

"Jay! Are you okay?" Erin whispered.

"I-I think I broke my a-arm." Jay whimpered.

"Aww, let me see." Erin spoke softly.

When Erin touched Jay's arm, he winced.

"P-Please don't touch it." Jay turned pale.

"Alright, Alright, let me call a bus." Erin reached for her radio.

Jay nodded. and closed his eyes, trying to block out the pain.

"This is detective Erin Lindsay, roll me a bus to the 21st district, were in the interrogation room, I got an officer down, with a broken arm, put a rush on that bus!!" Erin ordered.

"The Ambo is coming Jay, hold on for me." Erin soothed. 

Jay nodded, and breathed deeply.

After a few moments, the paramedics came, and placed Jay on the stair chair.

"We have to get him in!" The Male medic replied.

The unit nodded, and Erin followed.

"Your gonna be okay baby, squeeze my hand." Erin got into the Ambo with Jay.

Jay held Erin's hand. and gave it a light squeeze.

"Good Job, you hang in there." Erin smiled.

After Awhile, The medics brought Jay to hospital. and sent him to surgery. 

"How is he?" Kim asked.

Erin rolled her sleeves up. and spoke.

"He was pretty out of it, they took him straight to surgery, haven't had any news." Erin sighed.

The unit nodded, and Dr Marcel walked out.

"Family of Jay Halstead?" Marcel asked.

The unit stood up. and nodded.

"Alright, Jay has broken his arm, we fixed it in surgery. he's gonna be okay. little out of it with the anesthesia, he'll be back to his normal in a few hours, were gonna keep him overnight for observation, so we can monitor him throughout the night, he'll be put on desk duty for a couple weeks, on physio for a month, after that should be back out on the field." Marcel smiled.

The whole unit smiled. and Erin spoke.

"C-Can we see him?" Erin asked.

"Of course. follow me." Marcel nodded.

The unit followed Marcel to Jay's room. happy he's okay.

"Alright, here's his room." Marcel opened the door.

Jay was lying on the bed, his arm in a sling, and looking asleep. 

"Jay." Erin whispered.

The unit all surrounded Jay's bed. and waited for him to wake up in his own time. 

After a few moments. Jay's eyes slowly opened. and saw the unit around him.

"H-Hi Guys." Jay yawned.

The unit all said their hello's. and Erin spoke.

"How you feeling babe?" Erin stroked his good arm gently.

" I feel like I've been asleep for a year." Jay spoke sarcastically.

"Well, you needed a little rest." Erin smirked.

"How's your arm?" Hank asked.

"I'm not gonna lie to you. I'll be flying crooked for awhile." Jay looked directly at Hank.

Before Hank could reply, the nurse came in.

"Sorry, I have to redo an IV for my patient." The nurse apologised. 

Hank nodded, and the team left, leaving Erin with Jay and the nurse.

"Jay? Hey, look at me." Erin held Jay's hand.

Jay saw the small needle, and immediately looked at Erin.

"Just a small prick, Hun." The nurse warned.

Jay nodded, and felt the needle pierce his hand.

Jay cried out, and tried moving his hand.

"Baby, It's okay, come here." Erin held Jay's head in her neck. 

Jay sobbed into Erin's neck, shaking.

"Sorry, he's not good with needles." Erin brushed her hand on the back of Jay's head. 

"Not a problem." The nurse smiled. as she taped the needle to Jay's hand. 

Erin nodded, and the nurse left.

"You did great baby, so great." Erin kissed Jay's head.

Jay nodded, and settled himself against the pillows. 

"Ooh, be careful baby." Erin adjusted Jay's broken arm.

Jay nodded, and closed his eyes.

"That's better babe." Erin smiled.

After a few moments. Jay fell asleep, and Erin asleep on the recliner.

Hi My Readers!!

This was requested!! 

Hope you all like/love it!!

Comment and vote!!

~Stay Safe 😊

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