~Car accident~

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The Fire Department were in the squad-room, when the bells went off.

Speaker: Ambulance 61, Drunk and Disorderly. 24th and Wabash.

Foster and Brett stood up, and got into the ambulance.

Brett turned her lights on, and drove off.

After 20 minutes. Brett and Foster arrived, and grabbed the Ambo bag.

Brett slammed the door shut, and rushed to the scene with Foster.

"What we got?" Brett asked.

Patrol looked up, and spoke.

"Male, Drunk and Disorderly, not compiling with any of our instructions, we think he might be on something?" Routledge replied.

Brett and Foster nodded, and spoke to the drunk and disorderly patient.

"Sir? Sir? Can you hear me?" Brett asked.

The Man turned out to be Pat Halstead, Jay's dad.

"W-Wait....I-Isn't that Pat?" Emily asked.

Brett looked closely, and recognised him as well.

"Jay's dad?" Brett asked.

Foster nodded, and spoke to Pat.

"Alright, now we know your name, can you tell us what happened?" Foster asked.

Pat grumbled, and swayed.

"Drove into a t-tree..." Pat slurred.

Brett nodded, and spoke.

"Okay, does anywhere hurt?" Brett asked.

Pat shook his head, he felt fine.

"I-I'm fine..." Pat went to get up.

"No your not, if you were fine, you wouldn't need us." Emily explained.

Brett nodded, and grabbed a needle for an Iv.

"Now, I'm going to give you, some pain m-." Brett got cut off.

Pat slapped Brett's face, and Brett fell to the side.

"BRETT!" Foster yelled.

Brett got up, and held her face.

"I-I'm good." Brett reached for her radio.

"Ambulance 61 to Main, we need police assistance to my current location, for a D&D." Brett radioed.

"Copy Ambulance 61, Backup's 10 minutes out."  Dispatch replied.

"Pat, we can't treat you, if you don't accept our help." Emily explained.

Pat grumbled again, and rolled to the side.

Erin and Jay were in their car, and Erin's radio went off, with a call.

"50-21 Lincoln: Are you able to assist CFD with a drunk and disorderly, at 24th and Wabash?" Dispatch asked.

Erin looked at Jay who nodded, and picked up his radio.

"This is 50-21 George, hold me and my partner down with that CFD assist at 24th and Wabash, were plain-clothes, were 10 blocks out." Jay radioed.

Erin turned her blues on, and sped around the corner.

After Awhile. Erin and Jay arrived, and saw Brett and Foster.

Erin and Jay rushed over, and Erin spoke.

"What we got?" Erin asked.

"Well, Jay, there's no easy way to say this, but, the drunk and disorderly, is your dad..." Brett explained.

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