Finding Erin!!

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Warning: R***, abuse, and language

It's been 48 hours till Erin went Missing, and Jay was reaching breaking point. 

"IT'S BEEN TWO DAYS, AND WE STILL HAVEN'T FOUND ERIN!!" Jay screamed, and everything flew off his desk. 

All the others stopped talking, and looked at Jay who was sobbing, as he saw a picture of Erin up on the board. 

"Jay, were gonna find her I promise." Voight half sighed. 

They all had no idea if they were actually going to find her, but they needed to be strong for Jay, 

Erin woke up, and she was cuffed to a pole, in abandoned car lot. 

"Well, well look who's finally awake." Yates snarled. 

"Why am I here yates, what have I done to you"? Erin growled, as she tried to get her hands free. 

"Well, you tried to capture me, when Nadia died, and I decided to capture you." Yates smiled. 

Erin couldn't help but let a few tears roll down her face, she had no idea why she was here, she needed her man, she needed Jay.

"B-But, why Yates." Erin asked. 

"Because, your pretty, and lover boy don't deserve you." Yates replied, as he crouched down, and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. 

"DON'T TOUCH ME YATES!!" Erin screamed. 

"Bad idea Lindsay, now do you want the bad road, or bad road?" Yates laughed. 

Erin spat in his face, and this got her knocked out cold. 

"Looks like you want the Bad road." Yates smiled, as he took his belt off.

Atwater got a ping on Lindsay's spare phone, which she hid at the bottom of her leggings, she really was smart.


They all surrounded Kevin's table, and showed them the location.

"It's an empty garage Lot, 1988 South Kedzie" Upton replied, as she looked closely at the screen.

"I know exactly where that is, gear up!!" Voight ordered

They all grabbed their coats, and raced downstairs. 

They arrived at the location, and saw Yates car, meaning Erin was here. 

"Okay team, Yates is here, now Erin could be dangerously hurt, she could be scared, so we approach silently, and carefully on my order." Voight explained. 

They all agreed, and hopped out of the car, they drew their guns, and slowly walked up to the door. 

"Kev, Kim go round back see If there's anyway in". Voight instructed. 

"Copy." Kim and Kev responded, as they went round back. 

Jay, your with me. Hank ordered. 

Jay just nodded eager to save his girl.

"Antonio, Hailey stay out here in case anything bad comes our way." Voight asked. 

"Got it" Antonio replied. 

"Ready Jay." Hank asked, as he looked at him for clarification. 

"Let's get Erin." Jay replied, meaning he was ready. 

Hank silently twisted the Handle, and walked inside with Jay behind him. 

Hank grabbed his Radio to talk to the team. 

"Guys, we are in, I repeat we are in the building, do not engage, wait for my order." Voight whispered. 

They all quietly said their responses, and killed their radio's so they wouldn't spook them. 

Jay and Hank walked upstairs, and saw a double door closed, with a padlock around it. 

"Voight." Jay pointed his finger to the lock on the door. 

Hank saw it, and bashed the lock, and flung the doors open, with his gun in his hands.

Erin was out cold, while Jay and Hank saw a man on top of Erin, with his hands on her body

"GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF OF HER!!" Hank screamed, as he shot Yates, and the man. 

Erin was awake by the shouting, and realised it was Hank and Jay coming to get her.

"Baby." Jay gasped, as he placed his gun into his holster, and ran to her. 

Erin started sobbing in his arms, and clinging on to his jacket, like he was gonna leave her. 

"I'm here baby, I got you." Jay cried, as he had tears dripping down his face, as he saw what condition his fragile broken girl was in. 

"I'll radio a bus." Voight whispered. 

Jay just nodded, trying to calm Erin down. 

"This is 50-21, I need the crime lab, and an Ambo to 1988 South Kedzie, we found our missing detective, tell Med to stand by with a bed." Voight ordered into his Radio.

"Copy that 50-21, Crime Lab, and Ambo are En route, we'll advise Med." Dispatch answered. 

"Bus is 5 minutes out Jay." Hank Smiled Sadly, as he walked over to them. 

The Ambo came, and took Erin to Med, she was crying the whole way there, but Jay was right with her. 

They wheeled Erin in hospital on the stretcher. 

"What we got Lucy." Dr Asher Asked, as she placed her blue gloves on. 

"29 Female, Gcs Is 9, Sats Is 97, and BP Is 80/100, she was found unconscious in an abandoned building, bruising around her face and thighs, possible rape, set up an IV 5 milligrams of Morphine, and 10 grams of Paracetamol, we bagged on route, we lost her twice En route, brought her back by CPR." Lucy explained.

"Poor girl, Okay Let's get her straight the ICU, Hang a litre of O neg, and prep for intubation." Dr Asher ordered. 

Jay went to follow, but got stopped by a nurse. 

"Sorry sir, we'll come get you when she's settled." The nurse smiled, and walked away. 

Jay held Erin's Jumper in his hands, and gripped it, then walked to the chair, and sat down on it. 

After about an hour, they told Jay and the Unit they took Erin into emergency surgery. 

"Thanks Dr Asher." Voight responded. 

"No problem." Asher smiled.

Dr Asher walked away, and they all hugged Jay who was sobbing quietly. 

"It's okay buddy, she's safe." Adam rubbed Jay's head comfortingly. 

After Half an hour, they had information about Erin.

"Family of Erin Lindsay." The Nurse asked.

Hi My Readers!!

A bit of cliff hanger here, i'll be uploading the next two last chapters in a bit!!

Hope you all enjoyed!!

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Stay safe ~

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