Hailey ~ sick bug

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TW: Vomit!

Hailey and Antonio were sleeping in their bed, until Hailey threw up all over it.

"Ugh!" Hailey clenched her stomach.

Antonio rose from his slumber, and saw a pile of vomit on the bed.

"Oh Hails, did you throw up?" Antonio whispered.

Hailey nodded, and coughed.

"Aww, let's go to the bathroom." Antonio smiled.

Antonio carried Hailey, being careful not to drop her in the mess.

"Let's go!" Antonio smiled.

Hailey nodded, and sat on Antonio's lap.

"Just let it out baby, I'm right here." Antonio held Hailey's hair back.

Hailey coughed into the bowl, and cried.

"Oh Baby! W-What's going on?" Antonio tied Hailey's hair in a loose ponytail.

"I-I'm s-scared." Hailey mumbled.

Antonio was confused, so he asked.

"A-About what babe?" Antonio kept a hand running over Hailey's back.

"T-That you'll b-be mad...." Hailey whimpered.

Antonio's heart broke from Hailey's words.

"Aww, Hails, I'd never hurt you, or punch you, only with criminals, which your not." Antonio explained.

Hailey smiled, and stopped puking.

"You done babe?" Antonio asked.

"Y-Yes." Hailey whispered.

"Why don't you hop in the shower, and I'll sort out bedding out, hmm?" Antonio suggested.

Hailey nodded, and began to strip down.

"Door unlocked." Antonio whispered.

Hailey laughed softly, then got into the shower.

Antonio laughed too, and shut the door.

After a few moments. Antonio was sitting on the bed, waiting for Hailey to finish.

Hailey dried herself, and got into the sweats Antonio brought her.

Hailey walked out of the bathroom, and sat on the bed with Antonio.

"How was the shower, baby?" Antonio cuddled Hailey to him.

"Nice!" Hailey smiled.

"That's good!!" Antonio kissed Hailey's temple.

Hailey settled herself against Antonio's chest, and closed her eyes.

"You can sleep babe, I got you." Antonio reassured.

Hailey nodded, then fell asleep.

After Awhile. Hailey was eating some soup, and dry toast, which Antonio made for her.

"I know it's dry toast, but that's like the only thing you can have without bringing more sick up." Antonio smiled sadly.

Hailey nodded, but still ate it.

"It's still nice!!" Hailey smiled.

"That's good!!" Antonio nodded.

Hailey kept eating it, until she was finished.

After a few hours. Hailey and Antonio walked up to bed.

Hailey got into bed, and settled into the pillows.

Antonio stripped down to his boxer shorts, then got into bed.

Hailey snuggled into Antonio's side, and fell asleep.

"I got you baby, I'll never hurt you." Antonio kissed Hailey's head.

After a moment. Antonio closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you like/love this part!!

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~Stay Safe 😊

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