Panic attack

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It was morning at the bullpen, Adam and Kim were laughing as they walked upstairs, while Jay and Erin were working on the case.

Jay felt his chest get tight as he was working, he thought it was his Asthma, so he ignored it.

Jay's chest was tightening up pretty badly, and he knocked his pens off his desk.

Erin glanced up, and saw her husband, struggling to breathe, she abandoned her work, and ran over to him.

JAY!! Erin yelled, which got everyone's attention.

I-I C-can't B-Breathe. Jay gasped.

The rest of the team came rushing over, and watched Erin trying to help Jay.

I know baby, I know, Just breathe in and out nice and deep. Erin suggested, as she held his hands.

K-Kids D-Dying, A-Afghanistan S-shots. Jay whimpered.

Erin knew Jay had a very traumatic time in the War, and he was reliving it, and she knew this was a panic attack.

Oh god. Kim Whispered, as tears filled her eyes.

In and out Bubba, In and out. Erin guided.

Jay Matched her breathing, and fell into her chest, sobbing his heart out.

Aww baby. Erin shushed gently.

They all stood there in shock, and sadness, that their best friend had a panic attack.

Shh, your okay bubs. Erin kissed his soft head.

Jay settled into Erin's secure arms, where he felt the most safe.

They all awed, at their comfort with each other.

Voight told Erin to take Jay home, and the two could have the rest of the week off.

Erin drove them both home, and they got into the apartment, they both went to bed, Jay sleeping on Erin's lap, as she stroked his curls.

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Stay safe ~

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