Broken glass

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It was one evening, and Jay was on the couch watching a documentary, while his beautiful wife cooked dinner.

Hailey opened the fridge to get the glass jug of juice, but ended up dropping it all over the floor.

Hailey was still as a statue, as she looked at the broken glass all over the floor, and started hyperventilating.

Hailey didn't grow up in a nice warm loving family, Her dad was a drunk, hit her siblings, and mom every night, Hailey once went to get some juice from the fridge, and dropped it every where, and Luke came down and started hitting and shouting at her.

Jay got alerted by the sudden noise, so he paused the documentary, and walked to his wife, who was sobbing,

Baby, what's go-. Jay stopped short, when he noticed all the broken glass, and juice on the floor.

"Oh baby". Jay sighed, as he made sure he was careful of the broken glass, and not spooking Hailey.

Jay touched his fragile wife's shoulder softly, and this made Hailey whimper, which broke his heart.

"baby, it's okay." Jay whispered.

"I-I'm s-sorry d-daddy." Hailey sobbed.

Jay knew that her dad hit her and abused her when she was a little kid, it took jay everything to not go over there and beat the shit out of him.

"Baby, It's Jay, I'm right here sweetie. Jay said softly.

Jay felt Hailey shake, and sob even more, she was so petrified on what was gonna happen next.

"Bubba, can I hold you?" Jay asked.

Once Hailey turned round to meet the green eyes of her handsome husband, this made her cry even harder.

"Honey, I'm not angry, or mad, I just wanna know if your okay baby? Jay soothed, as he stroked her blonde hair, and held her in his big strong arms, which she ran into.

I-I'm, R-Really S-sorry J-J-Jay, Hailey cried.

"Oh baby, shhh it's okay, it's a quick fix, mistakes always happen." Jay reassured her, that it was no big deal to deal with, he could clear the floor up in minutes.

Jay held his wife in his arms for a minute longer, before cleaning her up.

"Hey baby, Let's wash all this sticky juice off you, and place some bandages on those small glass cuts." Jay spoke in a warm, and hearted way.

"O-Okay". Hailey mumbled.

Jay carried Hailey, so she wasn't going to get any cuts in her feet, as he walked around the glass slowly, and made it to the stairs.

"Your gonna be okay baby". Jay smiled, as they got into the bathroom.

Hailey nodded, and Jay placed her down on the counter, while holding onto her shaking hand.

"it's okay baby. Jay whispered.

Hailey closed her eyes, and nodded in response to Jay's question after.

"Baby, I have to take off your jumper so I can put it in the wash, or you can? Jay smiled softly.

Hailey nodded that she'll remove it, and she squinted at the cuts on her arm, as she removed her jumper, and leaned back, while Jay worked on her cuts.

"nearly done baby", Jay hummed a tune, which Hailey liked, and started humming it as well, which made Jay smile, so glad that he could make his girl smile.

Jay placed the medical kit back, and helped Hailey get down, she got into another one of Jay's jumper, and settled in bed.

Jay had boxer shorts on, and then he hopped in bed, to join his wife.

Hailey snuggled into his warm chest, and sighed once she felt him play with her blonde hair.

"it's okay Hails, I'm here, and I'm not gonna hurt you, or whatever that son of a bitch did to you." Jay whispered.

"Mhmm, thanks baby." Hailey sleepily mumbled.

"No problem sweetie, I'm always here, so are the team, were your family, and your ours." Jay whispered.

Hailey's breath evened out which made Jay know she's asleep.

"Night my precious, beautiful and lovely wife." Jay placed a kiss on her head, and fell asleep too.

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