Erin's Little sister

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Erin was walking up into the bullpen. holding a little girl's hand.

"And. this is where I work." Erin smiled.

The Unit heard voices. and saw Erin talking to a little girl.

"Who's that?" Adam asked.

Kim shrugged her shoulders.

"Maybe a sister?" Atwater asked.

They all agreed. that couldn't of been Erin's daughter.

"Hi Guys." Erin smiled.

The Unit all looked at Erin. and smiled.

"Hey." The Unit replied.

As Hank walked out of his office. Amelia Jumped straight into his arms.

"DADDY HANK!!" The 4yr old squealed.

Hank saw his both his foster daughter's. and one running up to him.

"Woah. Hey Munchkin." Hank giggled. as he settled Amelia in his arms.

The Unit all had their mouths open. they were gobsmacked.

"U-Umm. I don't wanna be the one who says this. but who's the little girl?" Jay questioned.

The Unit all nodded at Jay's question. and Erin explained.

"Well. This is Amelia-Rose-Lindsay." Erin announced.

The Unit were still confused on who the girl was.

"And. she's my Little Sister." Erin smiled.

The Unit awed. Amelia was adorable.

"Aww. well. Amelia is adorable. Looks just like you." Kim smiled. as she hugged Erin.

Erin thanked Everyone after their hugging session.

"Ooh. Star." Amelia babbled. as she picked Erin's badge up.

The Unit all laughed. and Erin spoke softly.

"Yep. that's what I have to wear. and everyone who works here. so they know their police." Erin explained.

Amelia nodded. not understanding a word of what Erin just said.

Adam came walking over. and crouched to Amelia's level.

"Well. Hi Little Lindsay." Adam poked her tummy.

Amelia giggled. and babbled.

"Woo work with sister?" Amelia asked.

They all awed at Amelia's comment.

"Well. Yes I do. your sister. she has the best pranks." Adam chuckled.

Amelia giggled as well. and Adam sat her on his lap.

"Let's get some Jelly." Adam suggested.

Amelia squealed. and Adam closed the breakroom door.

Erin turned back to the Unit. and explained.

"Alright. I know your pretty much wondering. where did Amelia come from? Why didn't you tell us? I'm getting to that." Erin explained.

Erin was right. they were all thinking that.

"Okay. I found my sister in foster care. as I had a case with a foster care victim. I knew she was my sister. she had my hair. same colour eyes. dressed like me. so I spoke to the person who was working there. and I asked what my sister's name was. and Michelle told me it was Amelia-Rose-Lindsay. I was shocked at first. then come to think of it. I couldn't bear to see Amelia in foster care anymore. so I called Hank. and he got the Foster guardianship papers in order. then after a few days. we adopted Amelia. and once I could be Amelia's guardian. I started filling in papers. and Amelia stayed with me. she's staying with me for the long run." Erin announced.

They were all shocked. Happy. confused. a mixture of emotions. they were so happy that Amelia is with Erin. and not with a strange family.

"Wow. I-I'm lost for words... Wow." Jay gasped.

They all finally took in Erin's words. and were so happy for her.

"Aww. were so happy for you girl." Kevin wrapped Erin in a big hug.

They all nodded. and Joined the hug.

After Awhile. They all had takeout pizza. and Amelia was sitting on Jay's lap.

Amelia finished eating her carrots. and looked up.

"Woo dating sister?" Amelia pointed to Erin.

Jay nearly choked on his pizza. surprised at that question.

"Y-Yes. I-I am." Jay coughed.

Amelia giggled. she was happy.

"Way. Sissy pretty." Amelia giggled.

Jay nodded. his girl was very pretty. he fell in love with a perfect woman.

"Yep. your sister is beautiful. and you too." Jay kissed Amelia's head.

Amelia nodded. and ate the rest of her fruit. and had some more Jelly.

After a short while. the unit all said bye to Amelia. and Erin.

"Alright. bye guys." Erin called.

They all waved. and Kim spoke.

"Bye Beautiful girls." Kim smiled.

Erin and Amelia smiled. and walked downstairs.

The Unit all got on with their paperwork. happy they met a sister of Erin's.

"Jay. I think Amelia likes you dating Erin.." Adam smirked.

They all looked at Jay. and he saved himself.

"Woah. Guys. take it easy. yes I'm dating Erin. And Amelia despite her being 4. Amelia can sure protect her sister." Jay explained.

They all did mumbles. and smirks. as they got back to Paperwork.

After a short while. They all went home. and couldn't stop thinking how cute Erin's sister was.

Back at Erin's house. Erin was tucking Amelia into her bed. and gave her. her teddy.

"Night my angel." Erin kissed Amelia's forehead.

Amelia did a sleepy mumble. and fell to sleep.

Erin shut the lights off. and closed the door halfway.

Erin got into her bed. and fell asleep.

Hi My Readers!!

I know this is a bit short!!

This was requested!!

Comment and Vote!!

~Stay Safe 😊

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