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The unit were undercover, trying to catch a drug dealer.

"Anything?" Hank radioed.

"Nothing yet.." Jay replied.

Hank radioed back, and Adam spoke.

"God! Whoever's panting on the end of the mic, your killing me." Adam groaned.

"Ugh! Bite Me Ruzek, I've been running, for over an hour!" Erin threatened.

Adam smirked, and looked around the street.

"Hey, I got something." Jay whispered into the mic.

"What you got, Halstead?" Hank asked.

"It's the offender, I got him, running down 6th." Jay reported.

"I'm 5 minutes out." Kim joined the conversation.

Jay replied back, and ran after the suspect.

"HEY! CHICAGO PD!" Jay yelled.

The offender got spooked, and ran downstairs.

"Son of a bitch!" Jay cursed.

"Kim! Michael's heading down to the pier, try and cut him off, I'm in pursuit!" Jay radioed.

"On my way!" Kim radioed.

Jay ran as fast as he could, and jumped into the pier.

The water splashed, and Jay saw the offender.

"DON'T MOVE!" Jay shouted.

The offender tried getting up, but it was no good.

Jay tried swimming, but something caught his legs.

"The fuck..." Jay looked down.

Jay's legs were getting caught, by a lady.

"JAY!!" Erin yelled.

Jay looked over, and saw Erin.

"HEY! CALL AN AMBO!!" Jay ordered.

Erin nodded, and radioed for an ambo.

Before Jay could have chance to react, the offender pulled Jay down.

"JAYY!" Erin shouted.

The unit all arrived, and spotted Jay.

"DAMMIT!" Hank raged.

What seemed like forever. The suspect came back up, but no Jay.

"Michael's up, but, where's Jay?!" Erin panicked.

Hank ripped his vest off, and took his gun out.

"I'm going to find him!" Hank whispered.

"B-Be careful!" Adam warned.

Hank nodded, and dived into the water.

"H-Hank's gonna find him, darlin." Adam comforted.

Erin nodded, and blinked back tears.

"I hope so..." Erin whispered.

After a few minutes. Hank came back up, with an unconscious Jay.

"There they are!!" Kim pointed out.

Erin looked over, and saw an unconscious Jay in Hank's arms.

"Jay's not conscious..." Erin replied.

The unit all wore worried faces, as Hank came back to shore.

"Give me some room!" Hank ordered.

The unit stepped back, and watched Hank lie Jay down.

Jay was limp, and his lips were blue.

"W-Why's his lips blue!" Erin asked.

"He's hypothermic..." Hank rushed out.

Erin teared up, as she watched Hank try and save Jay.

"Come on, buddy!" Adam whispered.

Hank did two rescue breaths, and continued with chest compressions.

"Y-Your not dying on me, Jay!" Erin crouched down.

Jay was still unconscious, and Hank gave up.

"H-He's gone..." Hank whispered.

Erin was in hysterics, as she raged.

"NO! Y-YOU CAN'T JUST GIVE UP!!" Erin raged.

Hank teared up, and stood up.

"I-I'm so, so, so, sorry kiddo!" Antonio crouched down.

Erin shook her head, and held Jay's cold body.

"Jay, please baby, come on, wake up..." Erin pleaded.

Jay still didn't move.

"Your not giving up, come back to me!" Erin cried.

Erin decided to do chest compressions, and mouth to mouth.

"No! Your not dying Jay! Your not!" Erin explained.

The unit couldn't help but let a few tears roll down, they lost their partner, friend, and brother, so they thought.

Erin continued mouth to mouth, and slowly gave up.

"No, please baby!!" Erin cried.

There was no movement from Jay.

Erin cradled Jay's body close, and broke down.

"Oh Erin..." Kim teared up.

After a few seconds. Jay's hands began to twitch.

"W-What's that?!" Adam whispered.

Erin looked at Jay's hand, and saw them twitch.

"H-He's twitching his hands!!" Erin exclaimed.

Jay opened his eyes, and began to cough.

"Let's sit him up!" Hank ordered.

The unit all got on his side, and watched him cough.

Jay coughed all the water out, violently.

"Baby?" Erin asked.

Jay smiled, and looked at Erin.

"H-Hi..." Jay spoke quietly.

Erin hugged Jay tightly, and sniffled.

"I-I thought you were dead!" Erin sniffled.

"Me? Dead? Never, besides, I still have to beg you to let me buy the house without a toilet." Jay Joked.

Erin giggled, and kissed Jay gently.

"Alright, but if you wanna buy the house with the whatever, and the whatever, you have to work the overtime." Erin sassed.

"I-I'm sorry, what?" Adam asked, clueless.

Everyone laughed, and hugged Jay.

After a few hours. Jay was given the all clear by the doctors, and went home, and got in bed with Erin.

Hi My Readers!!

I hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~ Stay Safe 😊

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