~Kim sick~

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Kim was sat at Jay's desk, while the unit went out on a case, and it was just Trudy.

"Auntie Trudy..." Kim babbled.

Trudy looked up, and smiled.

"What's up, cookie?" Trudy asked.

"Tummy ache." Kim whimpered.

Trudy pouted, and came over.

"Aww, you poor thing, want a Auntie Trudy hug?" Trudy held her arms out.

Kim nodded, and cuddled into Trudy.

"M-My tummy.." Kim whined.

Trudy gave a gentle rub on the girl in her arms.

"I know, sweetie, It's okay." Trudy kissed her head.

Kim snuggled down into Trudy's chest.

"Did Jay pack anything in your bag?" Trudy whispered.

Kim nodded, and sucked her thumb.

"Let's see what's in here." Trudy smiled.

Kim dribbled on her thumb, as she sucked it gently.

"Ooh, Mr Bear, he's in here, want him?" Trudy asked.

Kim nodded, and hugged the bear closely.

"Jay will be back soon, honey." Trudy reassured.

Kim nodded, and closed her eyes.

Trudy kept soothing Kim, until she was asleep.

After 10 Minutes. Trudy settled Kim on the couch, in the breakroom.

Trudy placed Kim's bear blanket on her, and kissed her head.

Kim let out a soft mumble, and fell deeper into sleep.

Trudy smiled, and left the room.

Trudy sat at her desk, which they installed upstairs, in case she was needed.

As Trudy was typing up her paperwork, she heard a whimper from the breakroom.

Trudy got up, and walked into the room.

Kim was clenching her tummy in pain.

"Sweetheart?" Trudy whispered.

Kim shook her head, and started fussing.

"No, No, Bubba! I-I want Bubba!" Kim fidgeted.

Trudy smiled sadly, and brought Kim into her arms.

"Sssh, Jay will be here soon, cookie." Trudy comforted.

Kim shook her head, the only person she wanted was Jay.

"No! Jay Jay!" Kim whimpered.

Trudy gently rocked Kim in her arms, hoping to calm her down.

"Ah! Look, there's Jay." Trudy pointed.

Kim looked up, and saw the unit walk back in.

"JAY JAY!!" Kim shouted.

Jay smiled, and took Kim into his arms.

"Aww, Hi Peanuts." Jay smiled.

Kim buried his head in Jay's shoulder.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jay whispered.

Kim pointed down to her stomach.

"Is it your tummy?" Jay asked.

Kim nodded, and fussed about.

"Okay, Okay, let me call Will." Jay took his phone out.

Kim nodded, and sucked her thumb.

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