~21st district is taken hostage!!~

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TW: Blood, triggers!

Everyone was in the bullpen, talking, and laughing with each other.

Hank came out of his office, and told everyone they had a case.

"Alright, we got a case!" Hank replied.

The unit nodded, and rushed downstairs.

After a few seconds. As the unit got to the gate, they tapped in their code.


Voight wondered why his pin wasn't working. 

"Voight?" Jay asked.

Voight tried entering his pin again, but it didn't open.

"T-The Gate? It's not working.." Hank spoke.

The unit were all confused, so they tried their pin.

"Mine's not working either!" Erin called.

"Mine too!" Kim called as well.

Hank saw Trudy, and called out to her.

"TRUDY!! W-WHAT'S GOING ON?" Hank yelled.

Trudy looked up, and tried opening the gate.


"It's not working for me, either!" Trudy explained.

The unit all sighed, and saw a man walk in.


Everyone held their hands up in the air, and Hank spoke.


Jake walked over to the gate, and opened it.

"OUT! OUT!" Jake ordered.

The unit all rushed out, and ran to the doors.

The doors were chained shut, so the unit couldn't escape.

"HEY! LET US OUT!" Jay screamed.

Jake walked over to Jay, and placed his gun to Jay's forehead.

"Stop. speaking." Jake whispered.

Jay nodded, then recognised Jake.

"Jake? Jake Lewis?" Jay asked.

Jake looked at Jay, and recognised him as well.

"W-What you doing here?!" Jake asked.

"I-I work here? Come on, let us go..." Jay pleaded.

Jake shook his head, and grabbed Jay.

"No one moves!!" Jake ordered.

Jay tried getting out of Jake's grip, but he failed.

"Anyone follows us, I'll kill your detective!" Jake warned.

Voight held the unit back, and watched, as Jake dragged Jay away.

"No one move, we don't wanna make this harder on Jay." Hank ordered.

The unit nodded, and thought of a plan.

Jake pushed Jay into the breakroom, and locked the door.

"Come on Man! Y-You don't have to do this..." Halstead pleaded.

"SHUT UP!!" Jake growled.

Jay nodded, and crouched down.

"Listen, I-I know what you went through was hard, losing Angela, but, it's not too late to make this situation right..." Jay explained.

Jake started pacing, and held a gun to Jay's forehead.

"Ah! O-Okay, if your gonna shoot me then do it! just don't keep a cocked gun pointed at my face!!" Jay exclaimed.

Jake removed the gun, and sat on the floor.

"A-Angela was my baby, you know..." Jake started.

"I-I do! I-I'd be in the same position if I lost my Erin..." Jay whispered.

Jake looked up, and sniffled.

"L-Listen, Swat are gonna be here any minute!!" Jay paused.

Jake brought the gun to his temple, and cocked it.

"A-Alright!! , I-I  know desperate times, call for desperate measures, but getting ready to shoot yourself isn't a good move, b-believe me, I've been there..." Jay explained.

Jake kept a firm grip on the gun, and looked outside the door.

"T-Their gonna shoot me!!" Jake exclaimed.

"N-No!! T-Their not, they have to go through me first!" Jay reassured.

Jake nodded, but Swat busted the door down.

"YOU LIED!" Jake yelled.

"No!! I-I di-." Jay got cut off.

Jake shot himself in the head, and died.

"NOOOO!!" Jay yelled.

Jay crawled over to Jake, and put pressure on his head.

"S-STAY WITH ME!!" Jay begged.

The unit ran inside, and tried dragging Jay away.

"NO! GET OFF ME!!" Jay argued.

Kevin and Adam pulled Jay up, and dragged him away.

"GET OFF ME!!" Jay screamed.

Voight checked for a pulse, and shook his head.

Erin sighed, and looked at Jay.

"Jake's gone..." Erin sighed.

Jay sank to the floor, and sobbed.

"Oh baby!" Erin raced over.

Erin hugged Jay tightly, and rocked him.

"Sssh, I got you, baby.." Erin soothed.

Jay crumbled in Erin's arms, and cried.

"H-HE DIDN'T DESERVE TO DIE!!" Jay croaked.

Erin nodded, and soothed.

"J-Jake was gonna do it anyway, Halstead." Hank whispered.

Jay clung to Erin's jumper, and closed his watery eyes.

"Everyone go home!! You've all been through enough!" Trudy ordered.

The unit, and patrol nodded, and grabbed their stuff.

After a few hours. Erin drove her, and Jay home, then they went to bed.

Jay settled against Erin's lap, as Erin massaged his black locks.

After a second. Erin soon put Jay to sleep, and she fell to sleep as well.

Hi My Readers!!

I hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~ Stay Safe 😊

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