Jay ~ past trauma

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Kim and Jay were sitting on the couch, watching Private Ryan, Kim was enjoying it, whereas Jay wasn't.

Kim didn't know that Jay had past trauma, so she checked on him once in awhile. 

Jay's hand started shaking, and he heard gunshots, which set him off.

"No! No!" Jay muttered.

Kim looked at Jay, who was shaking. 

"Jay?" Kim whispered.

Jay tried breathing, but it was like something stopping him.

"Jay, baby?" Kim turned the tv off. 

Jay kept mumbling out stuff, and shook more violently. 

"Jay, It's alright, your safe." Kim held Jay's hands.

Jay kept looking down, and started crying.

"Oh baby, it's okay." Kim placed Jay's head down in her lap. 

"L-Loud.....noises...." Jay whimpered.

Kim grabbed Jay's headphones, and placed them over his ears.

"Just breathe babe." Kim rubbed Jay's back.

Jay's world got quiet, and he slowly calmed down.

"There you go baby, it's alright, your okay." Kim kissed Jay's head.

Jay closed his eyes, and settled down.

"I'm here, your okay, your safe." Kim soothed.

Jay nodded, and curled himself in Kim's lap, succumbing sleep.

Kim stroked Jay's head, and turned on the news channel.

After Awhile, Jay was asleep, and Kim kept rubbing Jay's back. 

Jay snored softly, and relaxed.

After a few hours, Kim decided to get Jay to bed.

"Time to go bed babe." Kim picked Jay up.

Jay clung to Kim's top, as he got carried to bed.

As Kim walked upstairs, Makayla came out of her room.

"Mom? What's wrong with dad?" Makayla asked.

"Dad's not feeling too well, I'm taking him to bed, sweetheart." Kim explained soflty.

Makayla nodded, and went back into her room.

After Awhile, Kim settled Jay back into bed, and got into her pyjamas.

Kim cuddled into Jay's side, and fell asleep.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you like/love this part!!

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~Stay Safe 😊

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