Adam undercover

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The unit were all getting ready for Adam going undercover, and Kim was worried.

"Be safe babe, and don't get any flirty girls taking you home..." Kim whispered.

"Darlin, the only girl I have eyes for, is you." Adam held Kim's shoulders.

Kim smiled, and nodded.

"Alright, let's go!!" Voight exclaimed.

The unit nodded, and went to their cars.

"I swear I'll kill, if anyone takes my husband..." Kim threatened.

Atwater laughed, and drove off.

After Awhile. The unit arrived at the nightclub, and Adam walked in.

"Remember the safe word is 'dark'." Voight replied.

"Copy." Adam whispered.

The unit all nodded, and waited to move in.

Adam walked into the club, and sat down at the bar.

"Hey!" A young girl spoke.

Adam turned round, and smiled.

"Hi Darlin." Adam smiled.

The young girl smiled, and sat down.

"So, what's your name?" Amy asked.

"Andy, yours?" Adam asked.

"Amy, wanna get outta here?" Amy trailed her finger across Adam's thigh.

Kim was watching in her car, and was getting antsy.

"That Amy better not go to far, or I'll bring her down like a bucket of potatoes." Kim threatened.

Atwater chuckled, and carried on watching.

"Sorry darlin, I'm taken." Adam smiled.

Amy pouted, and began touching Adam's leg.

After a moment. Jay and Erin were in their car, kissing.

"Y-You know, we shouldn't be doing this, while working, right?" Jay replied in between kisses.

Erin nodded, and brought her hands to Jay's face.

"I know, but it's totally worth it..." Erin smiled.

Jay nodded, and Voight came through on the radio.

"Lindsay, Halstead, Get ready to move in." Voight replied.

Jay broke away from the kiss, and radioed.

"Copy that." Jay radioed.

Erin pulled her gun out, and kept kissing Jay.


"EVERYONE MOVE IN!!" Voight started his engine.

The unit all arrived at the club, and rushed in.

"CHICAGO PD!!" Voight yelled.

Everyone started running, and screaming.

"ERIN!! OVER HERE!!" Adam yelled.

Erin ran over, and radioed.

"Lincoln 50-21 Emergency, I need an ambo to 1871 West Walcott, for a victim with a gunshot wound to the chest." Erin radioed.

Dispatch replied, and Erin kept pressure on Amy.

"It's gonna be okay, I'm here." Adam whispered.

"Y-Your a c-cop." Amy spluttered.

Adam sighed, and nodded.

"Y-Yeah..." Adam nodded.

Amy nodded, and kept breathing.

After a few hours. Amy was in hospital, and the unit went home.

Hi My Readers!!

I hope you enjoyed this part!!

Comment, vote!!

~ Stay Safe 😊

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