Adam ~ Appendicitis!!

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Adam was asleep, until he felt a sharp pain in his right side.

"O-Ow!!" Adam whispered.

Kim woke up startled, by the noise of her husband.

"What's going on baby?" Kim asked softly.

Adam turned to Kim, and cried.

"M-My side is hurting so bad!!" Adam whimpered.

Kim pouted, and spoke.

"Aww baby, what does it feel like?" Kim kept her voice soft.

"S-Sharp pain!!" Adam whimpered out.

Kim nodded, and she knew her husband had appendicitis.

"Alright, we have to get you to hospital, before your appendix burst." Kim got her Jeans on.

Adam nodded, and stood up.

"Ugh!!" Adam clutched his side.

"Oh darlin, let's go..." Kim took Adam's hand.

Adam clutched onto Kim's hand, and walked with her.

"W-What about Mack?" Adam whispered.

"Our little bumblebee is safe, she's with Voight." Kim replied.

Adam nodded, and sighed.

After a few hours. The doctor's rushed Adam straight into surgery, and Kim waited in the waiting room.

Kim was texting Voight to let him know that Adam was okay.

After a moment. Dr Marcel walked out, with news about Adam.

"Family of Adam Ruzek?" Marcel asked.

Kim stood up, and walked to Marcel.

"I-I'm his wife, how is he?" Kim asked.

"You did the right thing bringing your husband in, he had a ruptured appendix, any later, it would've been a different story, we managed to remove the appendix without complications, we have him under anesthetic, which will wear off soon, he will be kept in for a few days, so we can monitor him, then after that, he should be good to go home." Marcel smiled.

Kim nodded relieved that Adam was okay.

"That's good!! can I see him?" Kim asked.

"Of course!! Follow me." Marcel led the way.

Kim nodded, and followed Marcel.

After a few minutes. Kim opened Adam's hospital door, and closed it softly.

Adam was lying asleep in his bed, with the bed lowered down slightly, he looked pale, but he was still Kim's Adam.

"Sweetie?" Kim whispered.

Adam slowly opened his eyes, and smiled.

"H-Hi Darlin.." Adam yawned.

Kim smiled, and sat on the bed.

"You scared me...." Kim admitted.

Adam nodded, seeing him in that state must've been scary.

"Aww, I'm sorry baby, but I'm okay, and well, side hurts a bit though." Adam shrugged it off.

Kim laughed softly, and nodded.

"Come here, sweet thing." Adam opened his arms.

Kim placed her bag down, and cuddled into Adam's chest.

"I'm fine, nothing to worry about." Adam kissed Kim's head.

Kim nodded, and closed her eyes.

"Night my darlin!" Adam whispered.

Kim mumbled out a 'night', then fell asleep.

After a moment. Adam closed his eyes, then fell to sleep.

Hi My Readers

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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~ stay safe 😊

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