~Young Jay and Will~

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The unit were working on their paperwork, and Voight got a call.

"Alright, on our way.." Hank ended the call.

Hank grabbed his jacket, and walked out of his office.

"We got a case, let's move!!" Hank headed to the stairs.

The unit abandoned their paperwork, and followed Hank.

After Awhile. The unit arrived at the scene, and saw two patrollers.

"What we got?" Voight asked.

Emily looked at Hank, and explained.

"Neighbours are reporting, loud screams, and smashing." Emily explained.

The unit nodded, and Erin spoke.

"So, you didn't go inside?" Erin clarified.

"We waited for you guys.." Brian replied.

Erin nodded, and followed Hank inside.

"What do you think's going on?" Hank wondered.

"Umm, maybe, Bad Domestic?" Erin suggested.

Hank nodded, and rang the doorbell.

After a minute. The door opened, to reveal a large, tall man.

"Help you?" Pat snarled.

Erin and Hank took a deep breath, and Hank spoke.

"Hi, I'm sergeant Hank Voight with the Chicago Police department, and this is my unit." Hank explained.

Pat looked at the unit, and then back at Hank.

"Nobody called no cops!" Pat spat.

"Well, your neighbours, are very concerned about you." Erin pointed out.

Pat smirked, and closed the door.

"WAIT!" Erin held the door open.

Pat opened the door, and Erin spoke.

"Listen, I know you got problems, we all do, but were not leaving, until we've searched your house, clear?" Erin asked.

Pat sighed, and let the unit in.

"Thank you!" Hank smiled.

Pat closed the door, and went into the Lounge.

"There's kids toys, there must be kids living here.." Kim whispered.

Hank looked at Kim, and nodded.

"Alright, go check upstairs, radio if you need anything." Voight ordered.

Kim nodded, and walked upstairs.

"Search this place!!" Hank exclaimed.

The unit nodded, and began searching.

After a few minutes. Kim saw a door, which looked closed.

Kim got her gun, and walked up to the door.

"It's the Chicago Police, can you open up?" Kim questioned.

Nothing was heard.

"If you can hear me? Stay back from the door!" Kim advised.

Kim sighed, and kicked the door off the hinges.

It was a small room, with bunk beds, a desk, and a closet.

"HELLO!!" Kim yelled.

Kim looked around, and walked up to the closet.

"Is anyone in here?" Kim knocked lightly.

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