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Kim: 4

Jay: 23

Erin: 26

It was the day of the fireworks, and the unit were all going, apart from Jay.

Jay used to have nightmares, flashbacks, all from overseas, and it messed up with his brain, tricking it that it's in Afghanistan, when really he was in Chicago, with his girlfriend, and his best friends.

"Jay? You coming to the fireworks display?" Adam wondered.

Jay looked up, and shook his head.

"Nah, sorry, Man." Jay apologised.

Adam was annoyed, so he spoke again.

"Aww! Why not? There's gonna be hotdogs, pizzas, hot cocoa." Adam explained.

Jay felt pressured by all the questions, coming at him.

"Okay, I-I'll go." Jay sighed.

Adam smiled, and carried on with his paperwork.

Erin looked up, and saw Jay holding tears in.

"Jay? You know, you don't have to go, don't you?" Erin whispered.

Jay nodded, he just didn't wanna break Adam's heart.

"I-I know..." Jay sighed.

Erin nodded, and typed up her paperwork.

It soon came night time. and, the whole of the 21st were at the firework display.

"You okay, babe?" Erin asked.

Jay nodded, he felt fine, but knew he wasn't going to be, when the fireworks started.

"Just squeeze my hand, whenever you wanna go home.." Erin spoke gently.

Jay nodded again, and saw the unit start counting down.

"10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5.!" The unit chanted.

The fireworks started, and they started off small.

"You okay?" Erin asked again.

"I-I'm fine! I'm gonna get some cocoa." Jay stood up.

Erin nodded, and watched Jay walk off.

As soon as Jay ordered the cocoa, the fireworks startled him.

Jay acted quickly, and pulled his gun out.

"CHICAGO P.D!" Jay yelled.

Everyone started screaming, and running away.

The unit stood up, and saw Jay checking where the fireworks were coming from.

"W-What the hell..." Adam whispered.

Erin sighed, she knew this wasn't a good idea.

"Okay, Hank, I need you to escort everyone out, Jay isn't going to shoot anyone, don't worry, he's just scared." Erin explained.

Hank nodded, he knew what was happening.

"W-Why is Jay doing that?" Adam asked.

Erin looked at Adam, and explained.

"Jay's acting like this, because he's mentally in Afghanistan, where physically, he's in Chicago, he's acting like the fireworks are making him think their gunshots., when their not, hence, why he yelled he's Chicago Police." Erin explained.

The unit all understood, they felt bad, for pressuring Jay.

"Man! I'm so sorry." Adam whispered.

Erin nodded, and walked up to Jay.

"Erin..." Adam warned.

"I'm fine, Jay's my husband, and he's not going to shoot me, I just need to talk him down." Erin responded.

The unit nodded again, and stepped back.

Erin walked over to Jay, who had his gun still in hand.

"Jay?" Erin whispered.

Jay didn't move from his current position.

"Jay? I'm here, baby." Erin reassured.

Jay was still in his daze.

"I'm going to take the gun out of your hands, it's alright." Erin smiled softly.

Jay didn't reply.

Erin walked over, and took the gun, and emptied the bullets.

"There, your okay." Erin rubbed Jay's shoulders.

After a few minutes. Jay was brought back to reality.

"E-Erin.." Jay croaked.

Erin looked up, and nodded.

"I'm here, sweetie." Erin smiled.

Jay fell into Erin's arms, and sobbed.

"Sssh.. let it out, baby, let it out." Erin stroked Jay's head.

Jay felt the comfort, and he sobbed uncontrollably.

"Hey, Hey, It's okay, it's over now.." Erin soothed.

Jay sniffled, and nodded.

"God! W-What about Kim....?" Jay asked.

Erin shook her head, she knew Kim would be looked after.

"Hey, one step at a time, Kim's gonna be fine, she'll be staying with Trudy and Hank, let's concentrate on you for now." Erin responded.

Jay nodded, and closed his eyes.

"Let's get you home." Erin kissed Jay's temple.

"O-Okay." Jay stood up.

The unit said their goodnights, so did Erin and Jay.

After a few hours. Erin was getting Kim ready for her sleepover.

"Alright, you got everything?" Erin asked.

Kim nodded, she was confused on why she had to go.

"Yes, why do me have to go?" Kim wondered.

Erin looked over at Jay, who was asleep on the couch.

"Well, Jay's not feeling too well, and, he knows that you'll have a great time, at Auntie Trudy's." Erin smiled.

Kim nodded, and smiled.

"Bye Bye, Rin-Rin." Kim babbled.

Erin waved goodbye, and Kim left with Platt.

Erin walked back into the lounge, and placed Jay's head on her lap.

£It's okay, baby, I'm here, and I've got you." Erin kept her voce soft.

Once Jay was fast sleep. Erin lied down on the couch, while Jay cuddled into her.

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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