Hailey hurt

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It was the whole of intelligence going to the crime scene, and one of the detective gets hurt. 

"OVER THERE!!" Jay yelled. 

Hailey looked where Jay was pointing at, and ran after the offender. 

"HAILEY WAIT". Kim shouted. 

"This is 50-21 George, my Partner is in foot pursuit of an offender, male, 5ft, white, grey joggers, blond hair, and white sneakers, last seen heading left toward Cermak, send me some cars." Jay replied in his radio.

"Copy that 50-21 George, we'll send some cars to your current location."  Dispatch replied.

Hailey ran as fast as she could down the road, and the offender came out of nowhere and Jumped her from behind. 

Hailey groaned as he clocked her in the Jaw, and knee, she got her radio, and radioed for some backup. 

5-50-21 H-Henry, I'm d-down, L-location Is 1916 C-Cermak." Hailey gasped, and dropped the Radio. 

The unit heard Hailey on the radio, and were all on they all rushed to their cars to find their detective. 

"I'll try radioing her." Jay suggested, as he picked up his radio, and talked into it. 

"Hails, It's Jay, Hang on were coming baby." Jay sighed, as tears filled his eyes. 

"We'll find her Jay." Adam smiled sadly. 

"HAILEY!!" Jay screamed. 

"Jay, my ears have feelings you know." Adam joked. 

"Shut up, and drive us to where Hailey is." Jay scoffed. 

They all arrived at Hailey's location, and Jay jumped out straight away. 

"Hails, I'm here your okay." Jay crouched down, and kissed her head. 

O-Offender c-clocked me." Hailey whimpered. 

"It's okay Upton, He's in custody." Voight half smiled, he always had a soft spot for Hailey. 

"Jay drive her to med to get checked out." Voight ordered. 

"Voight, it's not necessary I-." Hailey got up, and started to argue but got cut off. 

"Halstead drive her to med, and don't take No for Answer." Voight instructed.

"Come on Hails, Sarge's right." Jay encouraged. 

Hailey gave up, and let Jay carry her to the car. 

Jay drove them to med, and got checked out by Will at med. 

"Well, Hailey your free to go, no internal injuries just gonna be a sore face, and a twisted knee." Will smiled." 

"Thanks bro." Jay smiled, and bro hugged him. 

"No problem guys, stay safe". Will smirked. 

"What?" Hailey smirked back.

"Oh nothing, you guys are just too cute together." Will giggled. 

"Bro, just go, just go." Jay giggled.

"Aww, I'm going, have fun." Will smiled, as he left. 

Hailey got carried by Jay, and they both left Med. 

Jay placed Hailey in the front, and when he got in, Hailey started sobbing.

"Baby, hey what's up"? Jay whispered, as he hugged her.

M-My D-Dad u-used to g-ground me when I got hurt." Hailey sniffled. 

Jay knew Hailey had an abusive father, who used to hit her, and make her cry for weeks, it took Jay years to find out about what happened to Hailey as a kid. 

"Oh Hails, I'd never do that, The team has your back." Jay smiled softly. 

After a bit of more tears, they finally arrived home. 

Jay unlocked their apartment door, and carried Hailey to their room, so she can rest. 

Jay Lied her down, and kissed her head. 

"Need anything from downstairs Hails"? Jay asked. 

"Yeah, can I have an icepack, and some painkillers." Hailey replied. 

"Of course bubba, I'll go get it." Jay smiled, as he went and got the stuff. 

Jay got the icepack from the freezer, and put in her favourite icepack holder, and grabbed the Painkillers. 

"I got it baby." Jay called, as he walked in their room. 

"Thanks babe". Hailey smiled. 

"No problem." Jay smiled as well. 

Jay placed the icepack on her knee, and used the icepack tie to hold it steady on her knee. 

Hailey swallowed the two pills with water, and snuggled down into Jay's thighs. 

"It's okay baby." Jay kissed her temple.

Hailey went to sleep, and Jay dozed off after. 

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