~Jay nightmare~

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Erin and Jay (fiancée, fiancé)


Kim: (4)

Erin: (23)

Jay: (26)

Erin and Jay were asleep in bed, until Erin got woken up.

Erin startled awake, and saw her fiancé jerking around.

"Jay?" Erin whispered.

Jay kept thrashing around, and kicking the duvets.

"Hey, Darlin." Erin called.

Jay whimpered, and sobbed.

"Oh, Honey, it's okay, your safe, your with me." Erin reassured.

Jay thrashed around, and puked on the duvet.

Erin wasn't grossed out, she knew this was going to happen.

Erin flashbacked onto the days, when Jay and her came home from a hard day at work. Jay used to wake up screaming, then puked on the bed, and Erin was there throughout the series, she didn't mind, she was there for her fiancé, and she loved him, even if he had PTSD.

"Hey, baby, can you squeeze my hand?" Erin asked.

Erin put Jay's hand in hers, letting him find comfort.

Jay squeezed Erin hand tight, still crying.

"Well done, that's it Jay, keep squeezing my hand." Erin smiled softly.

What seemed like forever. Jay finally awoke from his nightmare, and saw puke on the duvet.

"Oh, Shit!" Jay gasped.

Erin noticed Jay's reaction, but she reassured him.

"Hey, don't worry, it's just a duvet, your more important..." Erin explained.

Jay nodded, and lied back.

"How about you hop in the shower, and I'll tidy up the bed." Erin suggested softly.

Jay nodded, and got up.

"Y-You sure?" Jay asked.

Erin nodded, and smiled.

"O-Okay, thanks." Jay smiled.

Erin smiled back, and grabbed the new duvets.

Erin started changing the bed, getting it ready for the rest of the night.

After Awhile. Erin was settling Jay down into bed, after holding him for an hour.

"It's okay, to cry once in awhile." Erin replied.

Jay nodded, and settled against Erin's chest.

Kim pushed the door open, and came walking in, then saw Erin and Jay.

"W-Wat going on?" Kim asked.

Erin smiled, and spoke.

"Hi Turtle...Jay's just had a nightmare, it's okay.." Erin reassured.

Kim nodded, and hugged Mr Giraffe.

"Nighty Rin Rin! Nighty Jay Jay!" Kim babbled.

Erin and Jay said their goodnights.

Once Kim left. Erin spoke to Jay.

"Night, Jay." Erin kissed Jay's head.

Jay closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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